
Data Serialization (ASN.1, XML, JSON)

The SERIAL API [Library xserial:include | src]

The overview for this chapter consists of the following topics:

  • Introduction

  • Chapter Outline


The Serial library provides a means for loading, accessing, manipulating, and serialization of data in a formatted way. It supports serialization in ASN.1 (text or BER encoding), XML, and JSON formats. See also the DATATOOL documentation discussion of generating C++ code for serializable objects from the corresponding ASN.1 definition.

The structure of data is described by some sort of formal language. In our case it can be ASN.1, DTD or XML Schema. Based on such specification, DATATOOL application, which is part of NCBI C++ toolkit, generates a collection of data storage classes that can be used to store and serialize data. The design purpose was to make these classes as lightweight as possible, moving all details of serialization into specialized classes - “object streams”. Structure of the data is described with the help of “type information”. Data objects contain data and type information only. Any such data storage object can be viewed as a node tree that provides random access to its data. The Serial library provides a means of traversing this data tree without knowing its structure in advance – using only type information; C++ code generated by DATATOOL makes it possible to access any child node directly.

“Object streams” are intermediaries between data storage objects and input or output stream. They perform encoding or decoding of data according to format specifications. Guided by the type information embedded into data object, on reading they allocate memory when needed, fill in data, and validate that all mandatory data is present; on writing they guarantee that all relevant data is written and that the resulting document is well-formed. All it takes to read or write a top-level data object is one function call – all the details are handled by an object stream.

Closely related to serialization is the task of converting data from one format into another. One approach could be reading data object completely into memory and then writing it in another format. The only problem is that the size of data can be huge. To simplify this task and to avoid storing data in memory, the serial library provides the “object stream copier” class. It reads data by small chunks and writes it immediately after reading. In addition to small memory footprint, it also works much faster.

Input data can be very large in size; also, reading it completely into memory could not be the goal of processing. Having a large file of data, one might want to investigate information containers only of a particular type. Serial library provides a variety of means for doing this. The list includes read and write hooks, several types of stream iterators, and filter templates. It is worth to note that, when using read hooks to read child nodes, one might end up with an invalid top-level data object; or, when using write hooks, one might begin with an invalid object and fill in missing data on the fly – in hooks.

In essence, “hook” is a callback function that client application provides to serial library. Client application installs the hook, then reads (or writes) data object, and somewhere from the depths of serialization processing, the library calls this hook function at appropriate times, for example, when a data chunk of specified type is about to be read. It is also possible to install context-specific hooks. Such hooks are triggered when serializing a particular object type in a particular structural context; for example, for all objects of class A which are contained in object B.

Chapter Outline

The following is an outline of the topics presented in this chapter:


The following topics are discussed in this section:

Format Specific Streams: The CObject[IO]Stream classes

The reading and writing of serialized data objects entails satisfying two independent sets of constraints and specifications: (1) format-specific parsing and encoding schemes, and (2) object-specific internal structures and rules of composition. The NCBI C++ Toolkit implements serial IO processes by combining a set of object stream classes with an independently defined set of data object classes. These classes are implemented in the serial and objects directories respectively.

The base classes for the object stream classes are CObjectIStream and CObjectOStream. Each of these base classes has derived subclasses which specialize in different formats, including XML, binary ASN.1, text ASN.1, and JSON. A simple example program, xml2asn.cpp (see Code Sample 1), described in Processing serial data, uses these object stream classes in conjunction with a CBiostruc object to translate a file from XML encoding to ASN.1 formats. In this chapter, we consider in more detail the class definitions for object streams, and how the type information associated with the data is used to implement serial input and output.

Code Sample 1. xml2asn.cpp

// File name: xml2asn.cpp
// Description: Reads an XML Biostruc file into memory
//      and saves it in ASN.1 text and binary formats.

#include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbiapp.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biostruc.hpp>


class CTestAsn : public CNcbiApplication {
    virtual int Run ();

using namespace objects;

int CTestAsn::Run() {
        xml_in(CObjectIStream::Open("1001.xml", eSerial_Xml));
        txt_out(CObjectOStream::Open("1001.asntxt", eSerial_AsnText));
        bin_out(CObjectOStream::Open("1001.asnbin", eSerial_AsnBinary));
    CBiostruc bs;
    *xml_in >> bs;
    *txt_out << bs;
    *bin_out << bs;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    CNcbiOfstream diag("asntrans.log");
    CTestAsn theTestApp;
    return theTestApp.AppMain(argc, argv);

Each object stream specializes in a serial data format and a direction (in/out). It is not until the input and output operators are applied to these streams, in conjunction with a specified serializable object, that the object-specific type information comes into play. For example, if instr is a CObjectIStream, the statement: instr >> myObject invokes a Read() method associated with the input stream, whose sole argument is a CObjectInfo for myObject.

Similarly, the output operators, when applied to a CObjectOStream in conjunction with a serializable object, will invoke a Write() method on the output stream which accesses the object’s type information. The object’s type information defines what tag names and value types should be encountered on the stream, while the CObject[IO]Stream subclasses specialize the data serialization format.

The input and output operators (<< and >>) are declared in serial/serial.hpp header.

The CObjectIStream (*) classes

CObjectIStream is the base class for the CObjectIStreamXml, CObjectIStreamAsn, CObjectIStreamAsnBinary, and CObjectIStreamJson classes. As such, it has no public constructors, and its user interface includes the following methods:

There are several Open() methods; most of these are static class methods that return a pointer to a newly created CObjectIStream. Typically, these methods are used with an unique_ptr, as in:

unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> xml_in(CObjectIStream::Open(filename, eSerial_Xml));

Here, an XML format is specified by the enumerated value eSerial_Xml, defined in ESerialDataFormat. Because these methods are static, they can be used to create a new instance of a CObjectIStream subclass, and open it with one statement. In this example, a CObjectIStreamXml is created and opened on the file filename.

An additional non-static Open() method is provided, which can only be invoked as a member function of a previously instantiated object stream (whose format type is of course, implicit to its class). This method takes a CNcbiIstream and a flag indicating whether or not ownership of the CNcbiIstream should be transferred (so that it can be deleted automatically when the object stream is closed):

void Open(CNcbiIstream& inStream, EOwnership deleteInStream = eNoOwnership);

The next three methods have the following definitions. Close() closes the stream. GetDataFormat() returns the enumerated ESerialDataFormat for the stream. ReadFileHeader() reads the first line from the file, and returns it in a string. This might be used for example, in the following context:

unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(fname, eSerial_AsnText));
string type = in.ReadFileHeader();
if ("Seq-entry") == 0) {
    CSeq_entry seqent;
    in->Read(ObjectInfo(seqent), eNoFileHeader);
    // ...
else if ("Bioseq-set") == 0) {
    CBioseq_set seqset;
    in->Read(ObjectInfo(seqset), eNoFileHeader);
    // ...

The ReadFileHeader() method for the base CObjectIStream class returns an empty string. Only those stream classes which specialize in ASN.1 text or XML formats have actual implementations for this method.

Several Read*() methods are provided for usage in different contexts. CObjectIStream::Read() should be used for reading a top-level “root” object from a data file. For convenience, the input operator >>, as described above, indirectly invokes this method on the input stream, using a CObjectTypeInfo object derived from myObject. By default, the Read() method first calls ReadFileHeader(), and then calls ReadObject(). Accordingly, calls to Read() which follow the usage of ReadFileHeader()must include the optional eNoFileHeader argument.

Most data objects also contain embedded objects, and the default behavior of Read() is to load the top-level object, along with all of its contained subobjects into memory. In some cases this may require significant memory allocation, and it may be only the top-level object which is needed by the application. The next two methods, ReadObject() and ReadSeparateObject(), can be used to load subobjects as either persistent data members of the root object or as temporary local objects. In contrast to Read(), these methods assume that there is no file header on the stream.

As a result of executing ReadObject(member), the newly created subobject will be instantiated as a member of its parent object. In contrast, ReadSeparateObject(local), instantiates the subobject in the local temporary variable only, and the corresponding data member in the parent object is set to an appropriate null representation for that data type. In this case, an attempt to reference that subobject after exiting the scope where it was created generates an error.

The Skip() and SkipObject() methods allow entire top-level objects and subobjects to be “skipped”. In this case the input is still read from the stream and validated, but no object representation for that data is generated. Skip() should only be applied to top-level objects. As with the Read() method, the optional ENoFileHeader argument can be included if the file header has already been extracted from the data stream. SkipObject(member) may be applied to subobjects of the root object.

All of the Read and Skip methods are like wrapper functions, which define what activities take place immediately before and after the data is actually read. How and when the data is then loaded into memory is determined by the object itself. Each of the above methods ultimately calls objTypeInfo->ReadData() or objTypeInfo->SkipData(), where objTypeInfo is the static type information object associated with the data object. This scheme allows the user to install type-specific read, write, and copy hooks, which are described below. For example, the default behavior of loading all subobjects of the top-level object can be modified by installing appropriate read hooks which use the ReadSeparateObject() and SkipObject() methods where needed.

The CObjectOStream (*) classes

The output object stream classes mirror the CObjectIStream classes. The CObjectOStream base class is used to derive the CObjectOStreamXml, CObjectOStreamAsn, CObjectOStreamAsnBinary, and CObjectOStreamJson, and classes. There are no public constructors, and the user interface includes the following methods:

Again, there are several Open() methods, which are static class methods that return a pointer to a newly created CObjectOStream:

static CObjectOStream* Open(ESerialDataFormat format,
                            CNcbiOstream &outStream,
                            EOwnership deleteOutStream=eNoOwnership,
                            TSerial_Format_Flags formatFlags=0)

static CObjectOStream* Open(ESerialDataFormat format,
                            const string &fileName,
                            TSerialOpenFlags openFlags=0,
                            TSerial_Format_Flags formatFlags=0)

static CObjectOStream* Open(const string &fileName,
                            ESerialDataFormat format,
                            TSerial_Format_Flags formatFlags=0)

The Write*() methods correspond to the Read*() methods defined for the input streams. Write() first calls WriteFileHeader(), and then calls WriteObject(). WriteSeparateObject() can be used to write a temporary object (and all of its children) to the output stream. It is also possible to install type-specific write hooks. Like the Read() methods, these Write() methods serve as wrapper functions that define what occurs immediately before and after the data is actually written.

The CObjectStreamCopier (*) classes

The CObjectStreamCopier class is neither an input nor an output stream class. Rather, it is a helper class, which allows to “pass data through” without storing the intermediate objects in memory. Its sole constructor is:

CObjectStreamCopier(CObjectIStream& in, CObjectOStream& out);

and its most important method is the Copy(CObjectTypeInfo&) method, which, given an object’s description, reads that object from the input stream and writes it to the output stream. The serial formats of both the input and output object streams are implicit, and thus the translation between two different formats is performed automatically.

In keeping with the Read and Write methods of the CObjectIStream and CObjectOStream classes, the Copy method takes an optional ENoFileHeader argument, to indicate that the file header is not present in the input and should not be generated on the output. The CopyObject() method corresponds to the ReadObject() and WriteObject() methods.

As an example, consider how the Run() method in xml2asn.cpp might be implemented differently using the CObjectStreamCopier class:

int CTestAsn::Run() {
        xml_in(CObjectIStream::Open("1001.xml", eSerial_Xml));
        txt_out(CObjectOStream::Open("1001.asntxt", eSerial_AsnText));
    CObjectStreamCopier txt_copier(*xml_in, *txt_out);
        bin_out(CObjectOStream::Open("1001.asnbin", eSerial_AsnBinary));
    CObjectStreamCopier bin_copier(*xml_in, *bin_out);
    return 0;

It is also possible to install type-specific Copy hooks. Like the Read and Write methods, the Copy methods serve as wrapper functions that define what occurs immediately before and after the data is actually copied.

Type-specific I/O routines – the hook classes

Much of the functionality needed to read and write serializable objects may be type-specific yet application-driven. Because the specializations may vary with the application, it does not make sense to implement fixed methods, yet we would like to achieve a similar kind of object-specific behavior.

To address these needs, the C++ Toolkit provides hook mechanisms, whereby the needed functionality can be installed with the object’s static class type information object. Local hooks apply to a selected stream whereas global hooks apply to all streams. Note: global skip hooks are not supported.

For any given object type, stream, and processing mode (e.g. reading), at most one hook is “active”. The active hook for the current processing mode will be called when objects of the given type are encountered in the stream. For example, suppose that local and global hooks have been set for a given object type. Then if a read occurs on the stream for which the local hook was set, the local hook will be called, otherwise the global hook will be called. Designating multiple read/write hooks (both local and global) for a selected object does not generate an error. Older or less specific hooks are simply overridden by the more specific or most recently installed hook.

Understanding and creating hooks properly relies on three distinct concepts:

  • Structural Context – the criteria for deciding which objects in the stream will be hooked.

  • Processing Mode – what is being done when the hook should be called. Hooks will only be called in the corresponding processing mode. For example, if content is being skipped, only skip hooks will be called. If the mode changes to reading, then only read hooks will be called.

  • Operation – easily confused with processing mode, the operation is what is done inside the hook, not what is being done when the hook is called.

Note: The difference between processing mode and operation can be very confusing. It is natural to think, for example, “I want to read Bioseq id’s” without considering how the stream is being processed. The next natural step is to conclude “I want a read hook” - but that could be incorrect. Instead, one should think “I want to read a Bioseq id inside a hook”. Only then should the processing mode be chosen, and it may not match the operation performed inside the hook. The processing mode should be chosen based on what should be done with the rest of the stream and whether or not it’s necessary to retain the data outside the hook. For example, if you want to read Bioseq id’s and don’t care about anything else, then you should probably choose the ‘skip’ processing mode (meaning you would use a skip hook), and within the skip hook you would read the Bioseq id. Or, if you wanted to read entire Bioseq’s for later analysis while automatically building a list of Bioseq id’s, you would have to use the ‘read’ processing mode (and therefore a read hook) to save the data for later analysis. Inside the read hook you would use a read operation (to save the data) and at the same time you would have access to the id for building the list of id’s.

There are three main structural contexts in which an object might be encountered in a stream:

Context Description
Object When the stream object matches a specified type – for example, the Bioseq type.
Class Member When the stream object matches a specified member of a specified SEQUENCE type – for example, the id member of the Bioseq type.
Choice Variant When the stream object matches a specified variant of a specified CHOICE type – for example, the std variant of the Date type.

Complex structural contexts can be created by nesting the main structural contexts. For example, a stack path hook can apply to a specific class member, but only when it is nested inside another specified class member. Stack path hooks also make it possible to hook objects only within a limited level of nesting - for example, hooking only the highest-level Seq-entry’s. For more details see the stack path hook section.

There are four processing modes that can be applied to input/output streams:

Mode Description
Read When objects are parsed from an input stream and a deserialized instance is retained.
Skip When objects are parsed from an input stream but a deserialized instance is not retained
Copy When objects are parsed from an input stream and written directly to an output stream.
Write When objects are written to an output stream.

The operation is not restricted to a limited set of choices. It can be any application-specific task, as long as that task is compatible with the processing mode. For example, a skip operation can be performed inside a read hook, provided that the skipped content is optional for the object being read. Similarly, a read operation can be performed inside a skip hook. The operation performed inside a hook must preserve the integrity of the hooked object, and must advance the stream all the way through the hooked object and no farther.

Hooks can be installed for all combinations of structural context and processing mode. Each combination has a base class that defines a pure virtual method that must be defined in a derived class to implement the hook – e.g. the CReadObjectHook class defines a pure virtual ReadObject() method. The definition of the overriding method in the derived class is often referred to as “the hook”.

  Object Class Member Choice Variant
Read CReadObjectHook CReadClassMemberHook CReadChoiceVariantHook
Write CWriteObjectHook CWriteClassMemberHook CWriteChoiceVariantHook
Copy CCopyObjectHook CCopyClassMemberHook CCopyChoiceVariantHook
Skip CSkipObjectHook CSkipClassMemberHook CSkipChoiceVariantHook

In addition, there is a hook guard class, which simplifies creating any of the above hooks. There are also stack path hook methods corresponding to each structural context / processing mode combination above, making it easy to create hooks for virtually any conceivable situation.

Hook Sample

Here is a complete program that illustrates how to create a read hook for class members (other sample programs are available at

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Date_std.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


// This class implements a read hook for class members.
// A read hook is created by passing a new instance of this class to a
// "set hook" method.  Hooks may be created as global or local.  Global hooks
// apply to all streams, whereas local hooks are associated with a specific
// stream.  Thus, the "set hook" methods for creating class member read hooks
// are:
//     SetGlobalReadHook()
//     SetLocalReadHook()
// This class must override the virtual method ReadClassMember().  See the
// comment for the ReadClassMember() method below for more details.
// In principle, multiple instances of this hook class could be used to provide
// the same hook processing for more than one entity.  However, it is probably
// best to create a separate class for each "thing" you want to hook and
// process.
// You should adopt a meaningful naming convention for your hook classes.
// In this example, the convention is C<mode><context>Hook_<object>__<member>
// where:   <mode>=(Read|Write|Copy|Skip)
//          <context>=(Obj|CM|CV)  --  object, class member, or choice variant
// and hyphens in ASN.1 object types are replaced with underscores.
// Note:  Since this is a read hook, ReadClassMember() will only be called when
// reading from the stream.  If the stream is being skipped, ReadClassMember()
// will not be called.  If you want to use a hook to read a specific type of
// class member while skipping everything else, use a skip hook and call
// DefaultRead() from within the SkipClassMember() method.
// Note: This example is a read hook, which means that the input stream is
// being read when the hook is called.  Hooks for other processing modes
// (Write, Skip, and Copy) are similarly created by inheriting from the
// respecitive base classes.  It is also a ClassMember hook.  Hooks for
// other structural contexts (Object and ChoiceVariant) a similarly derived
// from the appropriate base.
class CDemoHook : public CReadClassMemberHook
    // Implement the hook method.
    // Once the read hook has been set, ReadClassMember() will be called
    // whenever the specified class member is encountered while
    // reading a hooked input stream.  Without the hook, the encountered
    // class member would have been automatically read.  With the hook, it is
    // now the responsibility of the ReadClassMember() method to remove the
    // class member from the input stream and process it as desired.  It can
    // either read it or skip it to remove it from the stream.  This is
    // easily done by calling DefaultRead() or DefaultSkip() from within
    // ReadClassMember().  Subsequent processing is up to the application.
    virtual void ReadClassMember(CObjectIStream& in,
                                 const CObjectInfoMI& passed_info)
        // Perform any pre-read processing here.
        //NcbiCout << "In ReadClassMember() hook, before reading." << NcbiEndl;

        // You must call DefaultRead() (or perform an equivalent operation)
        // if you want the object to be read into memory.  You could also
        // call DefaultSkip() if you wanted to skip the hooked object while
        // reading everything else.
        DefaultRead(in, passed_info);

        // Perform any post-read processing here.  Once the object has been
        // read, its data can be used for processing. For example, here we dump
        // the read object into the standard output.
        NcbiCout << MSerial_AsnText << passed_info.GetClassObject();

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Create some ASN.1 data that can be parsed by this code sample.
    char asn[] = "Date-std ::= { year 1998 }";

    // Setup an input stream, based on the sample ASN.1.
    CNcbiIstrstream iss(asn);
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, iss));

    // Create a hook for the 'year' class member of Date-std objects.
    // The year class member was aribtrarily chosen to illustrate the
    // use of hooks - many other entities would work equally well.

    // Get data structures that model the type information for Date-std
    // objects and their 'year' class members.
    // The type information will be used to recognize and forward 'year'
    // class members of Date-std objects found in the stream to the hook.
    CObjectTypeInfo typeInfo = CType<CDate_std>();
    CObjectTypeInfoMI memberInfo = typeInfo.FindMember("year");

    // Set a local hook for Date-std 'year' class members.  This involves
    // creating an instance of the hook class and passing that hook to the
    // "set hook" method, which registers the hook to be called when a hooked
    // type is encountered in the stream.
    memberInfo.SetLocalReadHook(*in, new CDemoHook);

    // The above three statements could be shortened to:
    //                                   .SetLocalReadHook(*in, new CDemoHook);

    // Read from the input stream, storing data in the object.  At this point,
    // the hook is in place so simply reading from the input stream will
    // cause the hook to be triggered whenever the 'year' class member is
    // encountered.
    CDate_std my_date;
    *in >> my_date;

    return 0;

Read mode hooks

All of the different structural contexts in which an object might be encountered on an input stream can be reduced to three cases:

  • as a stand-alone object

  • as a data member of a containing object

  • as a variant of a choice object

Hooks can be installed for each of the above contexts, depending on the desired level of specificity. Corresponding to these contexts, three abstract base classes provide the foundations for deriving new Read hooks:

Each of these base hook classes exists only to define a pure virtual Read method, which can then be implemented (in a derived subclass) to install the desired type of read hook. If the goal is to apply the new Read method in all contexts, then the new hook should be derived from the CReadObjectHook class, and registered with the object’s static type information object. For example, to install a new CReadObjectHook for a CBioseq, one might use:

    SetLocalReadHook(*in, myReadBioseqHook);

Another way of installing hooks of any type (read/write/copy, object/member/variant) is provided by CObjectHookGuard class described below.

Alternatively, if the desired behavior is to trigger the specialized Read method only when the object occurs as a data member of a particular containing class, then the new hook should be derived from the CReadClassMemberHook, and registered with that member’s type information object:

    FindMember("Seq-inst").SetLocalReadHook(*in, myHook);

Similarly, one can install a read hook that will only be triggered when the object occurs as a choice variant:

    FindVariant("Bioseq").SetLocalReadHook(*in, myReadBioseqHook);

The new hook classes for these examples should be derived from CReadObjectHook, CReadClassMemberHook, and CReadChoiceVariantHook, respectively. In the first case, all occurrences of CBioseq on any input stream will trigger the new Read method. In contrast, the third case installs this new Read method to be triggered only when the CBioseq occurs as a choice variant in a CSeq_entry object.

All of the virtual Read methods take two arguments: a CObjectIStream and a reference to a CObjectInfo. For example, the CReadObjectHook class declares the ReadObject() method as:

virtual void ReadObject(CObjectIStream& in,
                        const CObjectInfo& object) = 0;

The ReadClassMember and ReadChoiceVariant hooks differ from the ReadObject hook class, in that the second argument to the virtual Read method is an iterator, pointing to the object type information for a sequence member or choice variant respectively.

In summary, to install a read hook for an object type:

derive a new class from the appropriate hook class:

  • if the hook should be called regardless of the structural context in which the target object occurs, use the CReadObjectHook class.

  • if the target object occurs as a sequence member, use the CReadClassMemberHook class.

  • if the target object occurs as a choice variant, use the CReadChoiceVariant Hook class.

implement the virtual Read method for the new class.

install the hook, using the SetLocalReadHook() method defined in

or use CObjectHookGuard class to install any of these hooks.

In many cases you will need to read the hooked object and do some special processing, or to skip the entire object. To simplify object reading or skipping all base hook classes have DefaultRead() and DefaultSkip() methods taking the same arguments as the user provided ReadXXXX() methods. Thus, to read a bioseq object from a hook:

void CMyReadObjectHook::ReadObject(CObjectIStream& in,
                                   const CObjectInfo& object)
    DefaultRead(in, object);
    // Do some user-defined processing of the bioseq

Note that from a choice variant hook you can not skip stream data – this could leave the choice object in an uninitialized state. For this reason the CReadChoiceVariantHook class has no DefaultSkip() method.

Read Object Hook Sample

A read object hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Date_std.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CReadObjectHook
    virtual void ReadObject(CObjectIStream& strm,
                            const CObjectInfo& passed_info)
        DefaultRead(strm, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    char asn[] = "Date-std ::= { year 1998 }";
    CNcbiIstrstream iss(asn);
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, iss));

    CObjectTypeInfo(CType<CDate_std>()).SetLocalReadHook(*in, new CDemoHook());

    CDate_std my_date;
    *in >> my_date;

    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Read Class Member Hook Sample

A read class member hook can be created very much like other hooks. For an example, see the hook sample.

See the class documentation for more information.

Read Choice Variant Hook Sample

A read choice variant hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Date.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CReadChoiceVariantHook
    virtual void ReadChoiceVariant(CObjectIStream& strm,
                                   const CObjectInfoCV& passed_info)
        DefaultRead(strm, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    char asn[] = "Date ::= str \"late-spring\"";
    CNcbiIstrstream iss(asn);
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, iss));

                                   .SetLocalReadHook(*in, new CDemoHook);

    CDate my_date;
    *in >> my_date;

    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Write mode hooks

The Write hook classes parallel the Read hook classes, and again, we have three base classes:

These classes define the pure virtual methods:

    const CConstObjectInfo& object) = 0;

    const CConstObjectInfoMI& member) = 0;

    const CConstObjectInfoCV& variant) = 0;

Like the read hooks, your derived write hooks can be installed by invoking the SetLocalWriteObjectHook() methods for the appropriate type information objects. Corresponding to the examples for read hooks then, we would have:

    SetLocalWriteHook(*in, myWriteBioseqHook);

    FindMember("Seq-inst").SetLocalWriteHook(*in, myWriteSeqinstHook);

    FindVariant("Bioseq").SetLocalWriteHook(*in, myWriteBioseqHook);

CObjectHookGuard class provides is a simple way to install write hooks.

Write Object Hook Sample

A write object hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objectio.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CWriteObjectHook
    virtual void WriteObject(CObjectOStream& out,
                             const CConstObjectInfo& passed_info)
        DefaultWrite(out, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));
    unique_ptr<CObjectOStream> out(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "of"));

    CObjectTypeInfo(CType<CCit_art>()).SetLocalWriteHook(*out, new CDemoHook);

    CCit_art article;
    *in >> article;
    *out << article;

    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Write Class Member Hook Sample

A write class member hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Auth_list.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objectio.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook: public CWriteClassMemberHook
    virtual void WriteClassMember(CObjectOStream& out,
                                  const CConstObjectInfoMI& passed_info)
        DefaultWrite(out, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));
    unique_ptr<CObjectOStream> out(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "of"));

        .SetLocalWriteHook(*out, new CDemoHook);

    CCit_art article;
    *in >> article;
    *out << article;

    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Write Choice Variant Hook Sample

A write choice variant hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Auth_list.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objectio.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CWriteChoiceVariantHook
    virtual void WriteChoiceVariant(CObjectOStream& out,
                                    const CConstObjectInfoCV& passed_info)
        DefaultWrite(out, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));
    unique_ptr<CObjectOStream> out(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "of"));

        .SetLocalWriteHook(*out, new CDemoHook);

    CCit_art article;
    *in >> article;
    *out << article;

    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Copy mode hooks

As with the Read and Write hook classes, there are three base classes which define the following Copy methods:

CCopyObjectHook::CopyObject(CObjectStreamCopier& copier,
    const CObjectTypeInfo& object) = 0;

CCopyClassMemberHook::CopyClassMember(CObjectStreamCopier& copier,
    const CObjectTypeInfoMI& member) = 0;

CCopyChoiceVariantHook::CopyChoiceVariant(CObjectStreamCopier& copier,
    const CObjectTypeInfoCV& variant) = 0;

Newly derived copy hooks can be installed by invoking the SetLocalCopyObjectHook() method for the appropriate type information object. The other way of installing hooks is described below in the CObjectHookGuard section.

To do default copying of an object in the overloaded hook method each of the base copy hook classes has a DefaultCopy() method.

Copy Object Hook Sample

A copy object hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objcopy.hpp>
#include <serial/objectio.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CCopyObjectHook
    virtual void CopyObject(CObjectStreamCopier& copier,
                            const CObjectTypeInfo& passed_info)
        DefaultCopy(copier, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));
    unique_ptr<CObjectOStream> out(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "of"));
    CObjectStreamCopier copier(*in, *out);

        .SetLocalCopyHook(copier, new CDemoHook());


    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Copy Class Member Hook Sample

A copy class member hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Bioseq.hpp>
#include <objects/seqset/Seq_entry.hpp>
#include <serial/objcopy.hpp>
#include <serial/objectio.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CCopyClassMemberHook
    virtual void CopyClassMember(CObjectStreamCopier& copier,
                                 const CObjectTypeInfoMI& passed_info)
        DefaultCopy(copier, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));
    unique_ptr<CObjectOStream> out(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "of"));
    CObjectStreamCopier copier(*in, *out);

        .SetLocalCopyHook(copier, new CDemoHook());


    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Copy Choice Variant Hook Sample

A copy choice variant hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Auth_list.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objcopy.hpp>
#include <serial/objectio.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CCopyChoiceVariantHook
    virtual void CopyChoiceVariant(CObjectStreamCopier& copier,
                                   const CObjectTypeInfoCV& passed_info)
        DefaultCopy(copier, passed_info);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));
    unique_ptr<CObjectOStream> out(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "of"));
    CObjectStreamCopier copier(*in, *out);

        .SetLocalCopyHook(copier, new CDemoHook);


    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Skip mode hooks

As with the Read and Write hook classes, there are three base classes which define the following Skip methods:

CSkipObjectHook::SkipObject(CObjectIStream& in,
    const CObjectTypeInfo& object) = 0;

CSkipClassMemberHook::SkipClassMember(CObjectIStream& in,
    const CObjectTypeInfoMI& member) = 0;

CSkipChoiceVariantHook::SkipChoiceVariant(CObjectIStream& in,
    const CObjectTypeInfoCV& variant) = 0;

Newly derived skip hooks can be installed by invoking the SetLocalSkipObjectHook() method for the appropriate type information object. The other way of installing hooks is described below in the CObjectHookGuard section.

The CSkipObjectHook class has a DefaultSkip() method, like the base classes for the other processing modes, but for historical reasons DefaultSkip() methods were not defined for the CSkipClassMemberHook and CSkipChoiceVaraintHook classes. Nevertheless, achieving the same result is easily accomplished – for example:

class CMySkipClassMemberHook : public CSkipClassMemberHook
    virtual void SkipClassMember(CObjectIStream& in,
                                 const CObjectTypeInfoMI& member)

Skip Object Hook Sample

A skip object hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CSkipObjectHook
    virtual void SkipObject(CObjectIStream& in,
                            const CObjectTypeInfo& passed_info)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));

    CObjectTypeInfo(CType<CCit_art>()).SetLocalSkipHook(*in, new CDemoHook);


    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Skip Class Member Hook Sample

A skip class member hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Auth_list.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Cit_art.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CSkipClassMemberHook
    virtual void SkipClassMember(CObjectIStream& in,
                                 const CObjectTypeInfoMI& passed_info)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, "if"));

        .SetLocalSkipHook(*in, new CDemoHook);


    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

Skip Choice Variant Hook Sample

A skip choice variant hook can be created very much like other hooks. For example, the executable lines in the hook sample, can be replaced with:

#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Imprint.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Date.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>


class CDemoHook : public CSkipChoiceVariantHook
    virtual void SkipChoiceVariant(CObjectIStream& in,
                                   const CObjectTypeInfoCV& passed_info)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    char asn[] = "Imprint ::= { date std { year 2010 } }";
    CNcbiIstrstream iss(asn);
    unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, iss));

                                   .SetLocalSkipHook(*in, new CDemoHook());


    return 0;

See the class documentation for more information.

The CObjectHookGuard class

To simplify hooks usage CObjectHookGuard class may be used. It’s a template class: the template parameter is the class to be hooked (in case of member or choice variant hooks it’s the parent class of the member).

The CObjectHookGuard class has several constructors for installing different hook types. The last argument to all constructors is a stream pointer. By default the pointer is NULL and the hook is intalled as a global one. To make the hook stream-local pass the stream to the guard constructor.

  • Object read/write hooks:
    CObjectHookGuard(CReadObjectHook& hook,
    CObjectIStream* in = 0);
    CObjectHookGuard(CWriteObjectHook& hook,
    CObjectOStream* out = 0);

  • Class member read/write hooks:
    CObjectHookGuard(string id,
    CReadClassMemberHook& hook,
    CObjectIStream* in = 0);
    CObjectHookGuard(string id,
    CWriteClassMemberHook& hook,
    CObjectOStream* out = 0);

The string “id” argument is the name of the member in ASN.1 specification for generated classes.

  • Choice variant read/write hooks:
    CObjectHookGuard(string id,
    CReadChoiceVariantHook& hook,
    CObjectIStream* in = 0);
    CObjectHookGuard(string id,
    CWriteChoiceVariantHook& hook,
    CObjectOStream* out = 0);

The string “id” argument is the name of the variant in ASN.1 specification for generated classes.

The guard’s destructor will uninstall the hook. Since all hook classes are derived from CObject and stored as CRef<>-s, the hooks are destroyed automatically when uninstalled. For this reason it’s recommended to create hook objects on heap.

Stack Path Hooks

When an object is serialized or deserialized, a string called the stack path is created internally to track the structural context of the current location. The stack path starts with the type name of the top-level data object. While each sub-object is processed, a ‘.’ and the sub-object name are “pushed onto the stack”.

Stack path hooks enable to hook complex structural contexts by nesting the main structural contexts - for example, a specific nesting pattern of class members. Stack path hooks also make it possible to hook objects only within a limited level of nesting - for example, the hooks_highest_se_objs sample program shows how to hook only the highest-level Seq-entry’s.

An example of a possible stack path string is:

Hooks based on the stack path can be created if you need to specify a more complex structural context for when a hook should be called. More complex, that is, than the “object”, “class member”, and “choice variant” contexts discussed in earlier sections. For example, “I want to hook the reading of objects named ‘title’ when and only when they are contained by objects named ‘book’, not all occurrences of ‘title’ objects”, or, “I want to hook the reading of all sequence members named ‘title’ in all objects, not only in a specific one”. The serial library makes it possible to set hooks for such structural contexts by passing a stack path mask to various “SetHook” methods. When the stack path string for the object being processed matches the stack path mask, the hook will be called.

The general form of the stack path mask is:


More formally:

StackPathMask ::= (TypeName | Wildcard) ('.' (MemberName | Wildcard))+

Here TypeName and MemberName are strings; ‘.’ separates path elements; and Wildcard is defined as:

Wildcard ::= ('?' | '*')

The question mark means “match exactly one path element with any name”, while the asterisk means “match one or more path elements with any names”.

An example of a possible stack path mask is:


Note: The first element of the stack path mask must be either a wildcard or the type of the top-level object in the stream. Type names are not permitted anywhere but the first element, which makes stack path masks like “*.Cit-book.*.date” invalid (ASN.1 type names begin with uppercase while member names begin with lowercase).

As with regular serialization hooks, it is possible to install a path hook for a specific object:

    SetPathReadHook(in, path, myReadBioseqHook);

a member of a sequence object:

    SetPathReadHook(in, path, myReadSeqinstHook);

or a variant of a choice object:

    SetPathReadHook(in, path, myReadBioseqHook);

Here in is a pointer to an input object stream. If it is equal to zero, the hook will be installed globally, otherwise - for that particular stream.

In addition, it is possible to install path hooks directly in object streams without specifying an ASN.1 type. For example, to install a read hook on all string objects named last-name, one could use either this:


or this:

in->SetPathReadObjectHook("*.last-name", myObjHook);

Setting path hooks directly in streams also makes it possible to differentiate between last-name being a sequence member and choice variant. So, for example:

in->SetPathReadMemberHook("*.last-name", myMemHook);

will hook sequence members and not choice variants, while:

in->SetPathReadVariantHook("*.last-name", myVarHook);

will hook choice variants and not sequence members.

Stack path hooks can be removed by passing NULL instead of a hook pointer to the various “SetHook” methods.

Hooking anonymous objects

Certain ASN.1 constructs result in anonymous objects. For example, in this ASN.1 specification:

Bioseq-set ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- skipping other class members
    seq-set SEQUENCE OF Seq-entry

the seq-set class member contains anonymous Seq-entry objects. You can hook the complete sequence using the name “seq-set”, but there is no name to use to hook the individual Seq-entry elements of the sequence.

The solution is to hook the seq-set container and iterate through the elements using the CIStreamContainerIterator class. For example:

class CSkipMemberHook__Bioseq_set : public CSkipClassMemberHook
    virtual void SkipClassMember(CObjectIStream& stream,
                                 const CObjectTypeInfoMI& info)
        // The whole container is hooked, so we have to iterate
        // to access the contained elements.
        CIStreamContainerIterator iter(stream, info.GetMemberType());
        for ( ; iter; ++iter) {
            CSeq_entry entry;
            iter >> entry;  // read individual elements
            Process(entry); // process as desired
        // This is how to hook the container:
                                  new CSkipMemberHook__Bioseq_set());
        // Skip through the stream, triggering the hook:

Note: Hooking ASN.1 “SET OF” works the same way as “SEQUENCE OF”.

Stream Iterators

There are several types of stream iterators in the SERIAL library: ones that read (synchronously or asynchronously) multiple objects of the same class, ones that read child objects of a certain class contained within another object and ones that read or write elements of an object - members of a sequence, or elements of a container.

A common scenario is when there is a need to process a large file which contains multiple same type data objects stored sequentially. Once we have input object stream - CObjectIStream istr, an obvious solution is to write

while (!istr.EndOfData()) {
    CDataObject obj;
    istr >> obj;

Practically identical solution which uses input stream iterators will look like this:

CObjectIStreamIterator<CDataObject> it(istr);
for_each (it, it.end(), do_something);

Potentially much faster approach would be to decode input data in multiple threads:

CObjectIStreamAsyncIterator<CDataObject> it(istr);
for_each (it, it.end(), do_something);

Another scenario is when you do not really interested in CDataObject. Instead, you need to find objects of class CChildObject - one or more - contained somewhere within CDataObject. The solution is to add another template parameter into iterator (this will find all objects of CDataObject class in the input stream and read all CChildObject in them, one by one):

for (CChildObject& obj : CObjectIStreamIterator<CDataObject, CChildObject>(istr)) {

Synchronous input stream iterator with one template parameter is trivial. Second parameter makes it more interesting. Here, CDataObject is not stored in memory, only single CChildObject is.

Asynchronous iterators are much more complex. In many cases they speed up the reading significantly, but they also use much more memory to store intermediate buffers and end results. Usually they are beneficial when input contains a large number of relatively small data objects.

Finally, we might want to read or write members of an object one by one - from inside of read/write hooks. It is sometimes convenient to be able to read or write data elements directly, bypassing the standard data storage mechanism. For example, when reading a large container object, the purpose could be to process its elements. It is possible to read everything at once, but this could require a lot of memory to store the data in. An alternative approach, which greatly reduces the amount of required memory, could be to read elements one by one, process them as they arrive, and then discard. Or, when writing a container, one could construct it in memory only partially, and then add missing elements ‘on the fly’ - where appropriate. SERIAL library defines the following stream iterator classes: CIStreamClassMemberIterator and CIStreamContainerIterator for input streams, and COStreamClassMember and COStreamContainer for output ones.

Reading a container could look like this:

for ( CIStreamContainerIterator it(in, containerType); it; ++it ) {
      CElementClass element;
      it >> element;

Writing - like this:

set<CElementClass> container;  // your container
COStreamContainer osc(out, containerType);
ITERATE(set<CElementClass>, it, container) {
    const CElementClass& element = *it;
    osc << element;

For more examples of using stream iterators please refer to asn2asn sample application.

The ByteBlock and CharBlock classes

CObject[IO]Stream::ByteBlock class may be used for non-standard processing of an OCTET STRING data, e.g. from a read/write hooks. The CObject[IO]Stream::CharBlock class has almost the same functionality, but may be used for VisibleString data processing.

An example of using ByteBlock or CharBlock classes is generating data on-the-fly in a write hook. To use block classes:

Initialize the block variable with an i/o stream and, in case of output stream, the length of the block.

Use Read()/Write() functions to process block data

Close the block with the End() function

Below is an example of using CObjectOStream::ByteBlock in an object write hook for non-standard data processing. Note, that ByteBlock and CharBlock classes read/write data only. You should also provide some code for writing class’ and members’ tags.

Since OCTET STRING and VisibleString in the NCBI C++ Toolkit are implemented as vector<char> and string classes, which have no serailization type info, you can not install a read or write hook for these classes. The example also demonstrates how to process members of these types using the containing class hook. Another example of using CharBlock with write hooks can be found in test_serial.cpp application.

void CWriteMyObjectHook::WriteObject(CObjectOStream& out,
                                     const CConstObjectInfo& object)
    const CMyObject& obj = *reinterpret_cast<const CMyObject*>
    if ( NothingToProcess(obj) ) {
        // No special processing - use default write method
        DefaultWrite(out, object);
    // Write object open tag
    // Iterate object members
    for (CConstObjectInfo::CMemberIterator member =
        object.BeginMembers(); member; ++member) {
        if ( NeedProcessing(member) ) {
            // Write the special member manually
            // Start byte block, specify output stream and block size
            size_t length = GetRealDataLength(member);
            CObjectOStream::ByteBlock bb(out, length);
            // Processing and output
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ) {
                char* buf;
                int buf_size;
                // Assuming ProcessData() generates the data from "member",
                // starting from position "i" and stores the data to "buf"
                ProcessData(member, i, &buf_size, &buf);
                i += buf_size;
                bb.Write(buf, buf_size);
        // Close the byte block
        // Close the member
    else {
        // Default writer for members without special processing
        if ( member.IsSet() )
    // Close the object

NCBI C++ Toolkit Network Service (RPC) Clients

The following topics are discussed in this section:

Introduction and Use

The C++ Toolkit now contains datatool-generated classes for certain ASN.1-based network services: at the time of this writing, Entrez2, ID1, and MedArch. (There is also an independently written class for the Taxon1 service, CTaxon1, which this page does not discuss further.) All of these classes, declared in headers named objects/.../client(_).hpp, inherit certain useful properties from the base template CRPCClient<>:

  • They normally defer connection until the first actual query, and disconnect automatically when destroyed, but let users request either action explicitly.

  • They are designed to be thread-safe (but, at least for now, maintain only a single connection per instance, so forming pools may be appropriate).

The usual interface to these classes is through a family of methods named AskXxx, each of which takes a request of an appropriate type and an optional pointer to an object that will receive the full reply and returns the corresponding reply choice. For example, CEntrez2Client::AskEval_boolean takes a request of type const CEntrez2_eval_boolean& and an optional pointer of type [CEntrez2_reply](, and returns a reply of type *CRef<CEntrez2_boolean_reply>. All of these methods automatically detect server-reported errors or unexpected reply choices, and throw appropriate exceptions when they occur. There are also lower-level methods simply named Ask, which may come in handy if you do not know what kind of query you will need to make.

In addition to these standard methods, there are certain class-specific methods: CEntrez2Client adds GetDefaultRequest and SetDefaultRequest for dealing with those fields of Entrez2-request besides request itself, and CID1Client adds {Get,Set}AllowDeadEntries (off by default) to control how to handle the result choice gotdeadseqentry.

Implementation Details

In order to get datatool to generate classes for a service, you must add some settings to the corresponding modulename.def file. Specifically, you must set [-]clients to the relevant base file name (typically service_client), and add a correspondingly named section containing the entries listed in Table 1. (If a single specification defines multiple protocols for which you would like datatool to generate classes, you may list multiple client names, separated by spaces.)

Table 1. Network Service Client Generation Parameters

Name Value
class (REQUIRED) C++ class name to use.
service Named service to connect to; if you do not define this, you will need to override x_Connect in the user class.
serialformat Serialization format: normally AsnBinary, but AsnText and Xml are also legal.
request (REQUIRED) ASN.1 type for requests; may include a module name, a field name (as with Entrez2), or both. Must be a CHOICE.
reply (REQUIRED) ASN.1 type for replies, as above.
reply.choice_name Reply choice appropriate for requests of type choice_name; defaults to choice_name as well, and determines the return type of AskChoice_name. May be set to special to suppress automatic method generation and let the user class handle the whole thing.

Verification of Class Member Initialization

When serializing an object, it is important to verify that all mandatory primitive data members (e.g. strings, integers) are given a value. The NCBI C++ Toolkit implements this through a data initialization verification mechanism. In this mechanism, the value itself is not validated; that is, it still could be semantically incorrect. The purpose of the verification is only to make sure that the member has been assigned some value. The verification also provides for a possibility to check whether the object data member has been initialized or not. This could be useful when constructing such objects in memory.

From this perspective, each data member (XXX) of a serial object generated by DATATOOL from an ASN or XML specification has the IsSetXXX() and CanGetXXX() methods. Also, input and output streams have SetVerifyData() and GetVerifyData() methods. The purpose of CanGetXXX() method is to answer the question whether it is safe or not to call the corresponding GetXXX(). The meaning of IsSetXXX() is whether the data member has been assigned a value explicitly (using assignment function call, or as a result of reading from a stream) or not. The stream’s SetVerifyData() method defines a stream behavior in case it comes across an uninitialized data member.

There are several kinds of object data members: optional with and without a default value, mandatory with and without a default value, and nillable. Optional and mandatory members with no default have “no value” initially. As such, they are “ungetatable”; that is, GetXXX() throws an exception (this is also configurable though). Members with a default are always getable, but not always set. It is possible to assign a default value to a member with a default using SetDefaultXXX() method. The characteristic of nillable members is that they are allowed to be “unset” during serialization. That is, they are allowed to have “no value” (or, have NULL value). One can assign NULL value to a member using ResetXXX() method.

The discussion above refers only to primitive data members, such as strings, or integers. The behavior of containers is somewhat different. All containers are pre-created on the parent object construction, so for container data members CanGetXXX() always returns TRUE. This can be justified by the fact that containers have a sort of “natural default value” - empty. Also, IsSetXXX() will return TRUE if the container is either mandatory, or has been read (even if empty) from the input stream, or SetXXX() was called for it.

The following table summarizes IsSet/CanGet behavior:

Member is Simple data type (bool, int, string) Simple with default Serial object (CRef) Container
IsSet returns false/true false/true true for mandatory, false/true for others false/true
CanGet returns IsSet() true true true

The following additional topics are discussed in this section:

Initialization Verification in CSerialObject Classes

CSerialObject defines two functions to manage how uninitialized data members would be treated:

    static void SetVerifyDataThread(ESerialVerifyData verify);
    static void SetVerifyDataGlobal(ESerialVerifyData verify);

The SetVerifyDataThread() defines the behavior of GetXXX() for the current thread, while the SetVerifyDataGlobal() for the current process. Please note, that disabling CUnassignedMember exceptions in GetXXX() function is potentially dangerous because it could silently return garbage.

The behavior of initialization verification has been designed to allow for maximum flexibility. It is possible to define it using environment variables, and then override it in a program, and vice versa. It is also possible to force a specific behavior, no matter what the program sets, or could set later on. The ESerialVerifyData enumerator could have the following values:

  • eSerialVerifyData_Default

  • eSerialVerifyData_No

  • eSerialVerifyData_Never

  • eSerialVerifyData_Yes

  • eSerialVerifyData_Always

Setting eSerialVerifyData_Never or eSerialVerifyData_Always results in a “forced” behavior: setting eSerialVerifyData_Never prohibits later attempts to enable verification; setting eSerialVerifyData_Always prohibits attempts to disable it. The default behavior could be defined from the outside, using the SET_VERIFY_DATA_GET environment variable:

    SET_VERIFY_DATA_GET ::= ( 'NO' | 'NEVER' | 'YES' | 'ALWAYS' )

Alternatively, the default behavior can also be set from a program code using CSerialObject::SetVerifyDataXXX() functions.

Setting the environment variable to “Never/Always” overrides any attempt to change the verification behavior in the program. Setting “Never/Always” for the process overrides attempts to change it for a thread. “Yes/No” setting is less restrictive: the environment variable, if present, provides the default, which could then be overridden in a program, or thread. Here thread settings supersede the process ones.

Initialization Verification in Object Streams

Data member verification in object streams is a bit more complex.

First, it is possible to set the verification behavior on three different levels:

Second, there are more options in defining what to do in case of an uninitialized data member:

  • throw an exception;

  • skip it on writing (write nothing), and leave uninitialized (as is) on reading;

  • write some default value on writing, and assign it on reading (even though there is no default).

To accommodate these situations, the ESerialVerifyData enumerator has two additional values:

  • eSerialVerifyData_DefValue

  • eSerialVerifyData_DefValueAlways

In this case, on reading a missing data member, stream initializes it with a “default” (usually 0); on writing the unset data member, it writes it “as is”. For comparison: in the “No/Never” case on reading a missing member stream could initialize it with a “garbage”, while on writing it writes nothing. The latter case produces semantically incorrect output, but preserves information of what has been set, and what is not set.

The default behavior could be set similarly to CSerialObject. The environment variables are as follows:

    SET_VERIFY_DATA_READ  ::= ( 'NO' | 'NEVER' | 'YES' | 'ALWAYS' |

Simplified Serialization Interface

The reading and writing of serial object requires creation of special object streams which encode and decode data. While such streams provide with a greater flexibility in setting the formatting parameters, in some cases it is not needed - the default behavior is quite enough. NCBI C++ toolkit library makes it possible to use the standard I/O streams in this case, thus hiding the creation of object streams. So, the serialization would look like this:

cout << MSerial_AsnText << obj;

The only information that is always needed is the output format. It is defined by the following stream manipulators:

Few additional manipulators define the handling of un-initialized object data members, skipping unknown members or valiants policy, and default string encoding:

Finally, it is possible to reset all formatting flags using MSerial_None manipulator.

Several I/O operators and helpers are available to simplify initialization of serial objects and string input/output. Below are a few examples of using these operators.

// Initialize CRef with a literal
CRef<CSeq_id> id1 = "Seq-id ::= gi 123"_asn;

// Multi-line literals
CRef<CSeq_id> id2 = ASN(
  Seq-id ::= other {
    accession "NM_12345",
    version 1

CRef<CSeq_id> id3 = R"~~(
  Seq-id ::= other {
    accession "NM_12345",
    version 2

// Read from an ASN.1 string
"Seq-id ::= local id 123" >> *id1;
ASN(Seq-id ::= local str "foobar") >> *id2;

// Read multiple objects from a string
const char* asn_text = R"~~(
    Seq-id ::= gi 12345
    Seq-id ::= local id 678"
asn_text >> *id1 >> id2; // Both reference and CRef are allowed

// Output an object or a CRef to a string
string s;
s << *id1 << id2;

Finding in input stream objects of a specific type

When processing serialized data, it is pretty often that one has to find all objects of a specific type, with this type not being a root one. To make it easier, serial library defines a helper template function Serial_FilterObjects. The idea is to be able to define a special hook class with a single virtual function Process with a single parameter: object of the requested type. Input stream is being scanned then, and, when an object of the requested type is encountered, the user-supplied function is being called.

For example, suppose an input stream contains Bioseq objects, and you need to find and process all Seq-inst objects in it. First, you need to define a class that will process them:

Class CProcessSeqinstHook : public
    virtual void Process(const CSeq_inst& obj);

Second, you just call filtering function specifying the root object type:

Serial_FilterObjects<CBioseq>(input_stream, new

Another variant of this function – Serial_FilterStdObjects – finds objects of standard type, not derived from CSerialObject – strings, for example. The usage is similar. First, define a hook class that will process data:

class CProcessStringHook : public CSerial_FilterObjectsHook<string>
    virtual void Process(const string& obj);

Then, call the filtering function:

Serial_FilterStdObjects<CBioseq>(input_stream, new CProcessStringHook());

An even more sophisticated, yet easier to use mechanism relies on multi-threading. It puts data reading into a separate thread and hides synchronization issues from client application. CObjectIStreamIterator makes it possible::

CObjectIStreamIterator<CBioseq,CSeq_inst> i(input_stream);
for ( ; i.IsValid(); ++i) {
    const CSeq_inst& obj = *i;

Stream iterators also allow filtering by object properties. In the example above, let us suppose you do not need all Seq-inst objects, but only those which repr member equals to seg. When constructing the iterator, you have to provide your own filtering function:

bool ValidateSeqinst(const CObjectIStream& istr, CSeq_inst& obj,
                     TMemberIndex mem_index, CObjectInfo* ptr, void* extra) {
    return obj.CanGetRepr() && obj.GetRepr() == CSeq_inst::eRepr_seg;
CObjectIStreamIterator<CBioseq,CSeq_inst> i(input_stream, eNoOwnership,
for ( ; i.IsValid(); ++i) {
    const CSeq_inst& obj = *i;

In this case all “wrong” Seq-inst objects are not constructed in memory and simply skipped in input stream, which speeds up serialization. When writing filtering function, keep in mind that the filter potentially may be called in the context of different threads and synchronization of access to shared data, if required, is your responsibility.

Reading and writing binary JSON data

JSON is a purely text format - that is, all data values are string representations. Therefore, binary data cannot be serialized or deserialized as JSON without specifying an encoding. Furthermore, the encoding choice is not automatically stored with the encoded data, so the (de)serialization process must explicitly select an encoding.

The following code shows how to read binary JSON data:

// Create JSON data with a Base64 encoded binary field.
char jsonb[] = "{ \"Seq_data\": { \"ncbi2na\": \"ASNFZ4mrze8=\" } }";
CNcbiIstrstream iss(jsonb);

// Read the JSON data into a Seq-data object, using Base64 encoding.
CObjectIStreamJson ijson;
CSeq_data mySeq_data;
ijson >> mySeq_data;

The following code shows how to write binary JSON data:

// Use ASN.1 data to populate a Seq-data object.
char asn[] = "Seq-data ::= ncbi2na '0123456789ABCDEF'H";
CNcbiIstrstream iss(asn);
unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, iss));
CSeq_data mySeq_data;
*in >> mySeq_data;

// Write the Seq-data object in JSON format with Base64 binary encoding.
CObjectOStreamJson ojson(cout, false);
ojson << mySeq_data;

The NCBI C++ Toolkit Iterators

The following topics are discussed in this section:

STL generic iterators

Iterators are an important cornerstone in the generic programming paradigm - they serve as intermediaries between generic containers and generic algorithms. Different containers have different access properties, and the interface to a generic algorithm must account for this.

The vector class allows input, output, bidirectional, and random access iterators. In contrast, the list container class does not allow random access to its elements. This is depicted graphically by one less strand in the ribbon connector. In addition to the iterators, the generic algorithms may require function objects such as less<T> to support the template implementations.

The STL standard iterators are designed to iterate through any STL container of homogeneous elements, e.g., vectors, lists, deques, stacks, maps, multimaps, sets, multisets, etc. A prerequisite however, is that the container must have begin() and end() functions defined on it as start and end points for the iteration.

But while these standard iterators are powerful tools for generic programming, they are of no help in iterating over the elements of aggregate objects - e.g., over the heterogeneous data members of a class object. As this is an essential operation in processing serialized data structures, the NCBI C++ Toolkit provides additional types of iterators for just this purpose. In the section on Runtime object type information, we described the CMemberIterator and CVariantIterator classes, which provide access to the instance and type information for all of the sequence members and choice variants of a sequence or choice object. In some cases however, we may wish to visit only those data members which are of a certain type, and do not require any type information. The iterators described in this section are of this type.

CTypeIterator (*) and CTypeConstIterator (*)

The CTypeIterator and CTypeConstIterator can be used to traverse a structured object, stopping at all data members of a specified type. For example, it is very common to represent a linked list of objects by encoding a next field that embeds an object of the same type. One way to traverse the linked list then, would be to “iterate” over all objects of that type, beginning at the head of the list. For example, suppose you have a CPerson class defined as:

class CPerson
    CPerson(const string& name, const string& address, CPerson* p);
    virtual ~CPerson(void);
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    string m_Name, m_Addr;
    CPerson *m_NextDoor;

Given this definition, one might then define a neighborhood using a single CPerson. Assuming a function FullerBrushMan(CPerson&) must now be applied to each person in the neighborhood, this could be implemented using a CTypeIterator as follows:

CPerson neighborhood("Moe", "123 Main St",
                     new CPerson("Larry", "127 Main St",
                     new CPerson("Curly", "131 Main St", 0)));
for (CTypeIterator<CPerson> house(Begin(neighborhood)); house; ++house ) {

In this example, the data members visited by the iterator are of the same type as the top-level aggregate object, since neighbor is an instance of CPerson. Thus, the first “member” visited is the top-level object itself. This is not always the case however. The top-level object is only included in the iteration when it is an instance of the type specified in the template argument (CPerson in this case).

All of the NCBI C++ Toolkit type iterators are recursive. Thus, since neighborhood has CPerson data members, which in turn contain objects of type CPerson, all of the nested data members will also be visited by the above iterator. More generally, given a hierarchically structured object containing data elements of a given type nested several levels deep, the NCBI C++ Toolkit type iterators effectively generate a “flat” list of all these elements.

It is not difficult to imagine situations where recursive iterators such as the CTypeIterator could lead to infinite loops. An obvious example of this would be a doubly-linked list. For example, suppose CPerson had both previous and next data members, where x->next->previous == x. In this case, visiting x followed by x->next would lead back to x with no terminating condition. To address this issue, the Begin() function accepts an optional second argument, eDetectLoops. eDetectLoops is an enum value which, if included, specifies that the iterator should detect and avoid infinite loops. The resulting iterator will be somewhat slower but can be safely used on objects whose references might create loops.

Let’s compare the syntax of this new iterator class to the traditional iterators:

ContainerType<T> x;

// a traditional approach:
for (ContainerType<T>::IteratorType it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)

// it's generally better to use ITERATOR:
ITERATE(ContainerType<T> it, x)

// or you can use CTypeIterator:
for (CTypeIterator<T> it(Begin(ObjectName)); it; ++it)

The traditional for loop iteration begins by pointing to the first item in the container x.begin(), and with each iteration, visits subsequent items until the end of the container x.end() is reached.

The ITERATE macro does essentially the same thing, but it saves x.end() instead of re-evaluating it every iteration.

Similarly, the CTypeIterator begins by pointing to the first data member of ObjectName that is of type T, and with each iteration, visits subsequent data members of type T until the end of the top-level object is reached.

A lot of code actually uses = Begin(...) instead of (Begin(...)) to initialize iterators; although the alternate syntax is somewhat more readable and often works, some compilers can mis-handle it and give you link errors. As such, direct initialization as shown above generally works better. Also, note that this issue only applies to construction; you should (and must) continue to use = to reset existing iterators.

How are generic iterators such as these implemented? The Begin() expression returns an object containing a pointer to the input object ObjectName, as well as a pointer to a CTypeInfo object containing type information about that object. On each iteration, the ++ operator examines the current type information to find the next data member which is of type T. The current object, its type information, and the state of iteration is pushed onto a local stack, and the iterator is then reset with a pointer to the next object found, and in turn, a pointer to its type information. Each data member of type T (or derived from type T) must be capable of providing its own type information as needed. This allows the iterator to recursively visit all data members of the specified type at all levels of nesting.

More specifically, each object included in the iteration, as well as the initial argument to Begin(), must have a statically implemented GetTypeInfo() class member function to provide the needed type information. For example, all of the serializable objects generated by datatool in the src/objects subtrees have GetTypeInfo() member functions. In order to apply type iterators to user-defined classes (as in the above example), these classes must also make their type information explicit. A set of macros is provided to simplify the implementation of the GetTypeInfo() methods for user-defined classes. The example included at the end of this section (see Additional Information) uses several of the C++ Toolkit type iterators and demonstrates how to apply some of these macros.

The CTypeConstIterator parallels the CTypeIterator, and is intended for use with const objects (i.e. when you want to prohibit modifications to the objects you are iterating over). For const iterators, the ConstBegin() function should be used in place of Begin().

Class hierarchies, embedded objects, and the NCBI C++ type iterators

As emphasized above, all of the objects visited by an iterator must have the GetTypeInfo() member function defined in order for the iterators to work properly. For an iterator that visits objects of type T, the type information provided by GetTypeInfo() is used to identify:

  • data members of type T

  • data members containing objects of type T

  • data members derived from type T

  • data members containing objects derived from type T

Explicit encoding of the class hierarchy via the GetTypeInfo() methods allows the user to deploy a type iterator over a single specified type which may in practice include a set of types via inheritance. The section Additional Information includes a simple example of this feature. A further generalization of this idea is implemented by the CTypesIterator described later.

CObjectIterator (*) and CObjectConstIterator (*)

Because the CObject class is so central to the Toolkit, a special iterator is also defined, which can automatically distinguish CObjects from other class types. The syntax of a CObjectIterator is:

for (CObjectIterator i(Begin(ObjectName)); i; ++i)

Note that there is no need to specify the object type to iterate over, as the type CObject is built into the iterator itself. This iterator will recursively visit all CObjects contained or referenced in ObjectName. The CObjectConstIterator is identical to the CObjectIterator but is designed to operate on const elements and uses the ConstBegin() function.

User-defined classes that are derived from CObject can also be iterated over (assuming their GetTypeInfo() methods have been implemented). In general however, care should be used in applying this type of iterator, as not all of the NCBI C++ Toolkit classes derived from CObject have implementations of the GetTypeInfo() method. All of the generated serializable objects in include/objects do have a defined GetTypeInfo() member function however, and thus can be iterated over using either a CObjectIterator or a CTypeIterator with an appropriate template argument.

CStdTypeIterator and CStdTypeConstIterator

All of the type iterators described thus far require that each object visited must provide its own type information. Hence, none of these can be applied to standard types such as int, float, double or the STL type string. The CStdTypeIterator and CStdTypeConstIterator classes selectively iterate over data members of a specified type. But for these iterators, the type must be a simple C type (int, double, char*, etc.) or an STL type string. For example, to iterate over all the string data members in a CPerson object, we could use:

for (CStdTypeIterator<string> i(Begin(neighborhood)); i; ++i) {
    cout << *i << ' ';

The CStdTypeConstIterator is identical to the CStdTypeIterator but is designed to operate on const elements and requires the ConstBegin() function.

For examples using CTypeIterator and CStdTypeIterator, see Code Sample 2 (ctypeiter.cpp) and Code Sample 3 (ctypeiter.hpp).

Code Sample 2. ctypeiter.cpp

// File name: ctypeiter.cpp
// Description: Demonstrate using a CTypeIterator
// Notes: build with xncbi and xser libraries

#include "ctypeiter.hpp"
#include <serial/serial.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <serial/iterator.hpp>
#include <serial/serialimpl.hpp>

//  type information for class CPerson
    ADD_MEMBER(m_NextDoor, POINTER, (CLASS, (CPerson)))->SetOptional();

//  type information for class CDistrict
    ADD_MEMBER(m_Blocks, STL_list, (CLASS, (CPerson)));

// main and other functions

static void FullerBrushMan (const CPerson& p) {
    cout << "knock-knock! is " << p.m_Name << " home?" << endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Instantiate a few CPerson objects
    CPerson neighborhood("Moe", "1 Main St",
                         new CPerson("Larry", "2 Main St",
                                     new CPerson("Curly", "3 Main St", 0)));
    CPerson another("Harpo", "2 River Rd",
                    new CPerson("Chico", "4 River Rd",
                                new CPerson("Groucho", "6 River Rd", 0)));

    // Create a CDistrict and install some CPerson objects
    CDistrict district1(1);
    // Send the FullerBrushMan to all CPersons in district1
    for (CTypeConstIterator<CPerson> house = ConstBegin(district1);
         house; ++house ) {
    // Iterate over all strings for the CPersons in district1
    list<CPerson> blocks(district1.GetBlocks());
    ITERATE(list<CPerson>, b, blocks) {
        for (CStdTypeIterator<string> it(Begin(*b));  it;  ++it) {
            cout << *it << ' ';
        cout << endl;
    return 0;

Code Sample 3. ctypeiter.hpp

// File name: ctypeiter.hpp


#include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbiobj.hpp>
#include <serial/typeinfo.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <list>


class CPerson
        : m_Name(0), m_Addr(0), m_NextDoor(0) {}
    CPerson(string n, string s, CPerson* p)
        : m_Name(n), m_Addr(s), m_NextDoor(p) {}
    virtual ~CPerson(void) {}
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    string m_Name, m_Addr;
    CPerson *m_NextDoor;

class CDistrict
        : m_Number(0) {}
    CDistrict(int n) : m_Number(n) {}
    virtual ~CDistrict(void) {}
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    int m_Number;
    void AddBlock (const CPerson& p) { m_Blocks.push_back(p); }
    list<CPerson>& GetBlocks() { return m_Blocks; }
    list<CPerson> m_Blocks;
#endif /* CTYPEITER_HPP */

CTypesIterator (*)

Sometimes it is necessary to iterate over a set of types contained inside an object. The CTypesIterator, as its name suggests, is designed for this purpose. For example, suppose you have loaded a gene sequence into memory as a CBioseq (named seq), and want to iterate over all of its references to genes and organisms. The following sequence of statements defines an iterator that will step through all of seq’s data members (recursively), stopping only at references to gene and organism citations:

CTypesIterator i;
CType<CGene_ref>::AddTo(i);    // define the types to stop at

for (i = Begin(seq); i; ++i) {

    if (CType<CGene_ref>::Match(i)) {
        CGene_ref* geneRef = CType<CGene_ref>::Get(i);
    else if (CType<COrg_ref>::Match(i) {
        COrg_ref* orgRef = CType<COrg_ref>::Get(i);

Here, CType is a helper template class that simplifies the syntax required to use the multiple types iterator:

  • CType<TypeName>::AddTo(i) specifies that iterator i should stop at type TypeName.

  • CType<TypeName>::Match(i) returns true if the specified type TypeName is the type currently pointed to by iterator i.

  • CType<TypeName>::Get(i) retrieves the object currently pointed to by iterator iif there is a type match to TypeName, and otherwise returns 0. In the event there is a type match, the retrieved object is type cast to TypeName before it is returned.

The Begin() expression is as described for the above CTypeIterator and CTypeConstIterator classes. The CTypesConstIterator is the const implementation of this type of iterator, and requires the ConstBegin() function.

Context Filtering In Type Iterators

In addition to traversing objects of a specific type one might want to specify the structural context in which such objects should appear. For example, you might want to iterate over string data members, but only those called title. This could be done using context filtering. Such a filter is a string with the format identical to the one used in Stack Path Hooks and is specified as an additional parameter of a type iterator. So, for example, the declaration of a string data member iterator with context filtering could look like this:

CStdTypeIterator<string> i(Begin(my_obj), "*.title")

Additional Information

The following example demonstrates how the class hierarchy determines which data members will be included in a type iterator. The example uses five simple classes:

  • Class CA contains a single int data member and is used as a target object type for the type iterators demonstrated.

  • class CB contains an shared_ptr to a CA object.

  • Class CC is derived from CA and is used to demonstrate the usage of class hierarchy information.

  • Class CD contains an shared_ptr to a CC object, and, since it is derived from CObject, can be used as the object pointed to by a CRef.

  • Class CX contains both pointers-to and instances-of CA, CB, CC, and CD objects, and is used as the argument to Begin() for the demonstrated type iterators.

The preprocessor macros used in this example implement the GetTypeInfo() methods for the classes.

// Define a simple class to use as iterator's target objects
class CA
    CA() : m_Data(0) {};
    CA(int n) : m_Data(n) {};
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    int m_Data;
// Define a class containing an shared_ptr to the target class
class CB
    CB() : m_a(0) {};
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    shared_ptr<CA> m_a;
// define a subclass of the target class
class CC : public CA
    CC() : CA(0){};
    CC(int n) : CA(n){};
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);

// define a class derived from CObject to use in a CRef
// this class also contains an shared_ptr to the target class
class CD : public CObject
    CD() : m_c(0) {};
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    shared_ptr<CC> m_c;
// This class will be the argument to the iterator. It contains 4
// instances of CA - directly, through pointers, and via inheritance
class CX
    CX() : m_a(0), m_b(0), m_d(0) {};
    static const CTypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(void);
    shared_ptr<CA> m_a; // shared_ptr to a CA
    CB *m_b;          // pointer to an object containing a CA
    CC  m_c;          // instance of a subclass of CA
    CRef<CD> m_d;     // CRef to an object containing an shared_ptr to CC
//////////  Implement the GetTypeInfo() methods /////////

    ADD_MEMBER(m_a, STL_auto_ptr, (CLASS, (CA)));


    ADD_MEMBER(m_c, STL_auto_ptr, (CLASS, (CC)));

    ADD_MEMBER(m_a, STL_auto_ptr, (CLASS, (CA)));
    ADD_MEMBER(m_c, CLASS, (CC));
    ADD_MEMBER(m_d, STL_CRef, (CLASS, (CD)));

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    CB b;
    CD d;

    b.m_a.reset(new CA(2));
    d.m_c.reset(new CC(4));
    CX x;

    x.m_a.reset(new CA(1));    // shared_ptr to CA
    x.m_b = &b;            // pointer to CB containing shared_ptr to CA
    x.m_c = *(new CC(3));      // instance of subclass of CA
    x.m_d = &d;            // CRef to CD containing shared_ptr to CC

    cout << "Iterating over CA objects in x" << endl << endl;

    for (CTypeIterator<CA> i(Begin(x)); i; ++i)
        cout << (*i).m_Data << endl;

    cout << "Iterating over CC objects in x" << endl << endl;

    for (CTypeIterator<CC> i(Begin(x)); i; ++i)
        cout << (*i).m_Data << endl;

    cout << "Iterating over CObjects in x" << endl << endl;
    for (CObjectIterator i(Begin(x)); i; ++i) {
        const CD *tmp = dynamic_cast<const CD*>(&*i);
        cout << tmp->m_c->m_Data << endl;
    return 0;

Figure 1 illustrates the paths traversed by CTypeIterator<CA> and CTypeIterator<CC>, where both iterators are initialized with Begin(a). The data members visited by the iterator are indicated by enclosing boxes. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Traversal path of the CTypeIterator

Figure 1. Traversal path of the CTypeIterator

For additional examples of using the type iterators described in this section, see ctypeiter.cpp.

Runtime Object Type Information

The following topics are discussed in this section:

Type and Object specific info

Run-time information about data types is necessary in several contexts, including:

  1. When reading, writing, and processing serialized data, where runtime information about a type’s internal structure is needed.

  2. When reading from an arbitrary data source, where data members’ external aliases must be used to locate the corresponding class data members (e.g.MyXxx may be aliased as my-xxx in the input data file).

  3. When using a generalized C++ type iterator to traverse the data members of an object.

  4. When accessing the object type information per se (without regard to any particular object instance), e.g. to dump it to a file as ASN.1 or DTD specifications (not data).

In the first three cases above, it is necessary to have both the object itself as well as its runtime type information. This is because in these contexts, the object is usually passed inside a generic function, as a pointer to its most base parent type CObject. The runtime type information is needed here, as there is no other way to ascertain the actual object’s data members. In addition to providing this information, a runtime type information object provides an interface for accessing and modifying these data members.

In case (4) above, the type information is used independent of any actual object instances.

The NCBI C++ Toolkit uses two classes to support these requirements:

  • Type information classes (base class CTypeInfo) are intended for internal usage only, and they encode information about a type, devoid of any instances of that type. This information includes the class layout, inheritance relations, external alias, and various other attributes such as size, which are independent of specific instances. Each data member of a class also has its own type information. Thus, in addition to providing information relevant to the member’s occurrence in the class (e.g. the member name and offset), the type information for a class must also provide access to the type information for each of its members. Enumerations are a special kind of primitive type, whose type information specifies its enumeration values and named elements. Type information for containers specifies both the type of container and the type of elements that it holds.

  • Object information classes (base class CObjectTypeInfo) include a pointer to the type information as well as a pointer to the object instance, and provide a safe interface to that object. In situations where type information is used independent of any concrete object, the object information class simply serves as a wrapper to a type information object. Where access to an object instance is required, the object pointer provides direct access to the correctly type-cast instance, and the interface provides methods to access and/or modify the object itself or members of that object.

The C++ Toolkit stores the type information outside any instances of that type, in a statically created CTypeInfo object. For class objects, this CTypeInfo object can be accessed by all instances of the class via a static GetTypeInfo() class method.

All of the automatically generated classes and constructs defined in the C++ Toolkit’s objects/ directory already have static GetTypeInfo() functions implemented for them. In order to make type information about user-defined classes and elements also accessible, you will need to implement static GetTypeInfo() functions for these constructs.

Type information is often needed when the object itself has been passed anonymously, or as a pointer to its parent class. In this case, it is not possible to invoke the GetTypeInfo() method directly, as the object’s exact type is unknown. Using a <static_cast> operator to enable the member function is also unsafe, as it may open the door to incorrectly associating an object’s pointer with the wrong type information. For these reasons, the CTypeInfo class is intended for internal usage only, and it is the CObjectTypeInfo classes that provide a more safe and friendly user interface to type information.

Object Information Classes

The following topics are discussed in this section:

CObjectTypeInfo (*)

This is the base class for all object information classes. It is intended for usage where there is no concrete object being referenced, and all that is required is access to the type information. A CObjectTypeInfo contains a pointer to a low-level CTypeInfo object, and functions as a user-friendly wrapper class.

The constructor for CObjectTypeInfo takes a pointer to a const CTypeInfo object as its single argument. This is precisely what is returned by all of the static GetTypeInfo() functions. Thus, to create a CObjectTypeInfo for the CBioseq class - without reference to any particular instance of CBioseq - one might use:

CObjectTypeInfo objInfo( CBioseq::GetTypeInfo() );

One of the most important methods provided by the CObjectTypeInfo class interface is GetTypeFamily(), which returns an enumerated value indicating the type family for the object of interest. Five type families are defined by the ETypeFamily enumeration:

ETypeFamily GetTypeFamily(void) const;
    enum ETypeFamily {

Different queries become appropriate depending on the ETypeFamily of the object. For example, if the object is a container, one might need to determine the type of container (e.g. whether it is a list, map etc.), and the type of element. Similarly, if an object is a primitive type (e.g. int, float, string, etc.), an appropriate query becomes what the value type is, and in the case of integer-valued types, whether or not it is signed. Finally, in the case of more complex objects such as class and choice objects, access to the type information for the individual data members and choice variants is needed. The following methods are included in the CObjectTypeInfo interface for these purposes:

For objects with family type eTypeFamilyPrimitive:

EPrimitiveValueType GetPrimitiveValueType(void) const;
bool IsPrimitiveValueSigned(void) const;

For objects with family type eTypeFamilyClass:

CMemberIterator BeginMembers(void) const;
CMemberIterator FindMember(const string& memberName) const;
CMemberIterator FindMemberByTag(int memberTag) const;

For objects with family type eTypeFamilyChoice:

CVariantIterator BeginVariants(void) const;
CVariantIterator FindVariant(const string& memberName) const;
CVariantIterator FindVariantByTag(int memberTag) const;

For objects with family type eTypeFamilyContainer:

EContainerType GetContainerType(void) const;
CObjectTypeInfo GetElementType(void) const;

For objects with family type eTypeFamilyPointer:

CObjectTypeInfo GetPointedType(void) const;

The two additional enumerations referred to here, EContainerType and EPrimitiveValueType, are defined, along with ETypeFamily, in include/serial/serialdef.hpp.

Different iterator classes are used for iterating over class data members versus choice variant types. Thus, if the object of interest is a C++ class object, then access to the type information for its members can be gained using a CObjectTypeInfo::CMemberIterator. The BeginMembers() method returns a CMemberIterator pointing to the first data member in the class; the FindMember*() methods return a CMemberIterator pointing to a data member whose name or tag matches the input argument. The CMemberIterator class is a forward iterator whose operators are defined as follows:

  • the ++ operator increments the iterator (makes it point to the next class member)

  • the () operator tests that the iterator has not exceeded the legitimate range

  • the * dereferencing operator returns a CObjectTypeInfo for the data member the iterator currently points to

Similarly, the BeginVariants() and FindVariant() methods allow iteration over the choice variant data types for a choice class, and the dereferencing operation yields a CObjectTypeInfo object for the choice variant currently pointed to by the iterator.

CConstObjectInfo (*)

The CConstObjectInfo (derived from CObjectTypeInfo) adds an interface to access the particular instance of an object (in addition to the interface inherited from CObjectTypeInfo, which provides access to type information only). It is intended for usage with const instances of the object of interest, and therefore the interface does not permit any modifications to the object. The constructor for CConstObjectInfo takes two arguments:

CConstObjectInfo(const void* instancePtr, const CTypeInfo* typeinfoPtr);

(Alternatively, the constructor can be invoked with a single STL pair containing these two objects.)

Each CConstObjectInfo contains a pointer to the object’s type information as well as a pointer to an instance of the object. The existence or validity of this instance can be checked using any of the following CConstObjectInfo methods and operators:

  • bool Valid(void) const;

  • operator bool(void) const;

  • bool operator!(void) const;

For primitive type objects, the CConstObjectInfo interface provides access to the currently assigned value using GetPrimitiveValueXxx(). Here, Xxx may be Bool, Char, Long, ULong, Double, String, ValueString, or OctetString. In general, to get a primitive value, one first applies a switch statement to the value returned by GetPrimitiveValueType(), and then calls the appropriate GetPrimitiveValueXxx() method depending on the branch followed, e.g.:

switch ( obj.GetPrimitiveValueType() ) {
case ePrimitiveValueBool:
    bool b = obj.GetPrimitiveValueBool();

case ePrimitiveValueInteger:
    if ( obj.IsPrimitiveValueSigned() ) {
        long l = obj.GetPrimitiveValueLong();
    } else {
        unsigned long ul = obj.GetPrimitiveValueULong();
    //... etc.

Member iterator methods are also defined in the CConstObjectInfo class, with a similar interface to that found in the CObjectTypeInfo class. In this case however, the dereferencing operators return a CConstObjectInfo object - not a CObjectTypeInfo object - for the current member. For C++class objects, these member functions are:

  • CMemberIterator BeginMembers(void) const;

  • CMemberIterator FindClassMember(const string& memberName) const;

  • CMemberIterator FindClassMemberByTag(int memberTag) const;

For C++ choice objects, only one variant is ever selected, and only that choice variant is instantiated. As it does not make sense to define a CConstObjectInfo iterator for uninstantiated variants, the method GetCurrentChoiceVariant() is provided instead. The dereferencing operator (*) can be applied to the object returned by this method to obtain a CConstObjectInfo for the variant. Of course, type information for unselected variants can still be accessed using the CObjectTypeInfo methods.

The CConstObjectInfo class also defines an element iterator for container type objects. CConstObjectInfo::CElementIterator is a forward iterator whose interface includes increment and testing operators. Dereferencing is implemented by the iterator’s GetElement() method, which returns a CConstObjectInfo for the element currently pointed to by the iterator.

Finally, for pointer type objects, the type returned by the method GetPointedObject() is also a CConstObjectInfo for the object - not just a CObjectTypeInfo.

CObjectInfo (*)

The CObjectInfo class is in turn derived from CConstObjectInfo, and is intended for usage with mutable instances of the object of interest. In addition to all of the methods inherited from the parent class, the interface to this class also provides methods that allow modification of the object itself or its data members.

For primitive type objects, a set of SetPrimitiveValueXxx() methods are available, complimentary to the GetPrimitiveValueXxx() methods described above. Methods that return member iterator objects are again reimplemented, and the de-referencing operators now return a CObjectInfo object for that data member. As the CObjectInfo now points to a mutable object, these iterators can be used to set values for the data member. Similarly, GetCurrentChoiceVariant() now returns a CObjectInfo, as does CObjectInfo::CElementIterator::GetElement().


Enumerated types (values with name and numeric ID) defined in data specifications translate into sets of enum in C++ code. Still, their type information exist and is available for analysis through CEnumeratedTypeValues class. For example, the following ASN.1 definition

PC-TermType ::= INTEGER {
    sidsynonym (1),
    cidsynonym (2),
    meshheading (3),
    meshdescr (4),
    meshterm (5),
    meshtreenode (6)

results in this C++ code:

enum EPC_TermType {
    ePC_TermType_sidsynonym   = 1,
    ePC_TermType_cidsynonym   = 2,
    ePC_TermType_meshheading  = 3,
    ePC_TermType_meshdescr    = 4,
    ePC_TermType_meshterm     = 5,
    ePC_TermType_meshtreenode = 6
/// Access to EPC_TermType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec
const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues* ENUM_METHOD_NAME(EPC_TermType)(void);

Having pointer to an object of CEnumeratedTypeValues class, an application can get detailed information about the enumeration, like string name by numeric ID, for example.

Traversing a Data Structure

The following topics are discussed in this section:

Locating the Class Definitions

In general, traversing through a class object requires that you first become familiar with the internal class structure and member access functions for that object. In this section we consider how you can access this information in the source files, and apply it. The example provided here involves a Biostruc type which is implemented by class CBiostruc, and its base (parent) class, CBiostruc_Base.

The first question is: how do I locate the class definitions implementing the object to be traversed? There are now two source browsers which you can use. To obtain a synopsis of the class, you can search the index or the class hierarchy of the Doc++ browser and follow a link to the class. For example, a synopsis of the CBiostruc class is readily available. From this page, you can also access the relevant source files archived by theLXR browser, by following the Locate CBiostruc link. Alternatively, you may want to access the LXR engine directly by using the Identifier search tool.

Because we wish to determine which headers to include, the synopsis displayed by the Identifier search tool is most useful. There we find a single header file, Biostruc.hpp, listed as defining the class. Accordingly, this is the header file we must include. The CBiostruc class inherits from the CBiostruc_Base class however, and we will need to consult that file as well to understand the internal structure of the CBiostruc class. Following a link to the parent class from the class hierarchy browser, we find the definition of the CBiostruc_Base class.

This is where we must look for the definitions and access functions we will be using. However, it is the derived user class (CBiostruc) whose header should be included in your source files, and which should be instantiated by your local program variable. For a more general discussion of the relationship between the base parent objects and their derived user classes, see Working with the serializable object classes.

Accessing and Referencing Data Members

Omitting some of the low-level details of the base class, we find the CBiostruc_Base class has essentially the following structure:

class CBiostruc_Base : public CObject
    // type definitions
    typedef list< CRef<CBiostruc_id> > TId;
    typedef list< CRef<CBiostruc_descr> > TDescr;
    typedef list< CRef<CBiostruc_feature_set> > TFeatures;
    typedef list< CRef<CBiostruc_model> > TModel;
    typedef CBiostruc_graph TChemical_graph;
    // Get() members
    const TId& GetId(void) const;
    const TDescr& GetDescr(void) const;
    const TChemical_graph& GetChemical_graph(void) const;
    const TFeatures& GetFeatures(void) const;
    const TModel& GetModel(void) const;
    // Set() members
    TId& SetId(void);
    TDescr& SetDescr(void);
    TChemical_graph& SetChemical_graph(void);
    TFeatures& SetFeatures(void);
    TModel& SetModel(void);
    TId m_Id;
    TDescr m_Descr;
    TChemical_graph m_Chemical_graph;
    TFeatures m_Features;
    TModel m_Model;

With the exception of the structure’s chemical graph, each of the class’s private data members is actually a list of references (pointers), as specified by the type definitions. For example, TId is a list of CRef objects, where each CRef object points to a CBiostruc_id. The CRef class is a type of smart pointer used to hold a pointer to a reference-counted object. The dereferencing operator, when applied to a (dereferenced) iterator pointing to an element of CBiostruc::TId, e.g. **CRef_i, will return a CBiostruc_id. Thus, the call to GetId() returns a list which must then be iterated over and dereferenced to get the individual CBiostruc_id objects. In contrast, the function GetChemicalGraph() returns the object directly, as it does not involve a list or a CRef.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you use type names defined in the generated classes (e.g. TId, TDescr) rather than generic container names (list< CRef<CBiostruc_id> > etc.). The real container class may change occasionally and you will have to modify the code using generic container types every time it happens. When iterating over a container it’s recommended to use ITERATE and NON_CONST_ITERATE macros.

The GetXxx() and SetXxx() member functions define the user interface to the class, providing methods to access and modify (“mutate”) private data. In addition, most classes, including CBiostruc, have IsSetXxx() and ResetXxx() methods to validate and clear the data members, respectively.

Traversing a Biostruc

The program traverseBS.cpp (see Code Sample 4) demonstrates how one might load a serial data file and iterate over the components of the resulting object. This example reads from a text ASN.1 Biostruc file and stores the information into a CBiostruc object in memory. The overloaded Visit() function is then used to recursively examine the object CBiostruc bs and its components.

Code Sample 4. traverseBS.cpp

// File name: traverseBS.cpp
// Description: Reads an ASN.1 Biostruc text file into memory
// and visits its components

#include <serial/serial.hpp>
#include <serial/iterator.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Dbtag.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Object_id.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Numbering.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Pubdesc.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Heterogen.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biostruc.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biostruc_id.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biostruc_history.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Mmdb_id.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biostruc_descr.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biomol_descr.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Molecule_graph.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Inter_residue_bond.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Residue_graph.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb3/Biostruc_feature_set.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb2/Biostruc_model.hpp>
#include <objects/pub/Pub.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbistre.hpp>

#include "traverseBS.hpp"

using namespace objects;

int CTestAsn::Run()
    // initialize ASN input stream
        inObject(CObjectIStream::Open("1001.val", eSerial_AsnBinary));
    // initialize, read into, and traverse CBiostruc object
    CBiostruc bs;
    *inObject >> bs;
    Visit (bs);
    return 0;

* The overloaded free "visit" functions are used to explore the
* Biostruc and all its component members - most of which are also
* class objects. Each class has a public interface that provides
* access to its private data via "get" functions.
void Visit (const CBiostruc& bs)
    cout << "Biostruc:\n" << endl;
    Visit (bs.GetId());
    Visit (bs.GetDescr());
    Visit (bs.GetChemical_graph());
    Visit (bs.GetFeatures());
    Visit (bs.GetModel());

* TId is a type defined in the CBiostruc class as a list of CBiostruc_id,
* where each id has a choice state and a value. Depending on the choice
* state, a different get() function is used.
void Visit (const CBiostruc::TId& idList)
    cout << "\n Visiting Ids of Biostruc:\n";

    for (CBiostruc::TId::const_iterator i = idList.begin();
        i != idList.end(); ++i) {

        // dereference the iterator to get to the id object
        const CBiostruc_id& thisId = **i;
        CBiostruc_id::E_Choice choice = thisId.Which();
        cout << "choice = " << choice;

        // select id's get member function depending on choice
        switch (choice) {
        case CBiostruc_id::e_Mmdb_id:
            cout << " mmdbId: " << thisId.GetMmdb_id().Get() << endl;
        case CBiostruc_id::e_Local_id:
            cout << " Local Id: " << thisId.GetLocal_id().GetId() << endl;
        case CBiostruc_id::e_Other_database:
            cout << " Other DB Id: "
            << thisId.GetOther_database().GetDb() << endl;
            cout << "Choice not set or unrecognized" << endl;

* TDescr is also a type defined in the Biostruc class as a list of
* CBiostruc_descr, where each descriptor has a choice state and a value.
void Visit (const CBiostruc::TDescr& descList)
    cout << "\n Visiting Descriptors of Biostruc:\n";

    for (CBiostruc::TDescr::const_iterator i = descList.begin();
        i != descList.end(); ++i) {

        // dereference the iterator to get the descriptor
        const CBiostruc_descr& thisDescr = **i;
        CBiostruc_descr::E_Choice choice = thisDescr.Which();
        cout << "choice = " << choice;

        // select the get function depending on choice
        switch (choice) {
        case CBiostruc_descr::e_Name:
            cout << " Name: " << thisDescr.GetName() << endl;
        case CBiostruc_descr::e_Pdb_comment:
            cout << " Pdb comment: " << thisDescr.GetPdb_comment() << endl;
        case CBiostruc_descr::e_Other_comment:
            cout << " Other comment: " << thisDescr.GetOther_comment() << endl;
        case CBiostruc_descr::e_History:
            cout << " History: " << endl;
            Visit (thisDescr.GetHistory());
        case CBiostruc_descr::e_Attribution:
            cout << " Attribute: " << endl;
            Visit (thisDescr.GetAttribution());
            cout << "Choice not set or unrecognized" << endl;
    VisitWithIterator (descList);

* An alternate way to visit the descriptor nodes using a CStdTypeIterator
void VisitWithIterator (const CBiostruc::TDescr& descList)
    cout << "\n Revisiting descriptor list with string iterator...:\n";

    for (CBiostruc::TDescr::const_iterator i1 = descList.begin();
        i1 != descList.end(); ++i1) {

        const CBiostruc_descr& thisDescr = **i1;

        for (CStdTypeConstIterator<NCBI_NS_STD::string>
            i = ConstBegin(thisDescr); i; ++i) {
            cout << "next descriptor" << *i << endl;

* Chemical graphs contain lists of descriptors, molecule_graphs, bonds, and
* residue graphs. Here we just visit some of the descriptors.
void Visit (const CBiostruc::TChemical_graph& G)
    cout << "\n\n Visiting Chemical Graph of Biostruc\n";

    const CBiostruc_graph::TDescr& descList = G.GetDescr();
    for (CBiostruc_graph::TDescr::const_iterator i = descList.begin();
        i != descList.end(); ++i) {

        // dereference the iterator to get the descriptor
        const CBiomol_descr& thisDescr = **i;
        CBiomol_descr::E_Choice choice = thisDescr.Which();
        cout << "choice = " << choice;

        // select the get function depending on choice
        switch (choice) {
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Name:
            cout << " Name: " << thisDescr.GetName() << endl;
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Pdb_class:
            cout << " Pdb class: " << thisDescr.GetPdb_class() << endl;
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Pdb_source:
            cout << " Pdb Source: " << thisDescr.GetPdb_source() << endl;
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Pdb_comment:
            cout << " Pdb comment: " << thisDescr.GetPdb_comment() << endl;
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Other_comment:
            cout << " Other comment: " << thisDescr.GetOther_comment() << endl;
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Organism: // skipped
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Attribution:
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Assembly_type:
            cout << " Assembly Type: " << thisDescr.GetAssembly_type() << endl;
        case CBiomol_descr::e_Molecule_type:
            cout << " Molecule Type: " << thisDescr.GetMolecule_type() << endl;
            cout << "Choice not set or unrecognized" << endl;

void Visit (const CBiostruc::TFeatures&)
    cout << "\n\n Visiting Features of Biostruc\n";

void Visit (const CBiostruc::TModel&)
    cout << "\n\n Visiting Models of Biostruc\n";

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    // initialize diagnostic stream
    CNcbiOfstream diag("traverseBS.log");

    CTestAsn theTestApp;
    return theTestApp.AppMain(argc, argv);

Visit(bs) simply calls Visit() on each of the CBiostruc data members, which are accessed using bs.GetXxx(). The information needed to write each of these functions - the data member types and member function signatures - is contained in the respective header files. For example, looking at Biostruc_.hpp, we learn that the structure’s descriptor list can be accessed using GetDescr(), and that the type returned is a list of pointers to descriptors:

typedef list< CRef<CBiostruc_descr> > TDescr;
const TDescr& GetDescr(void) const;

Consulting the base class for CBiostruc_desc in turn, we learn that this class has a choice state defining the type of value stored there as well as the method that should be used to access that value. This leads to an implementation of Visit(CBiostruc::TDescr DescrList) that uses an iterator over its list argument and a switch statement over the current descriptor’s choice state.

Iterating Over Containers

Most of the Visit() functions implemented here rely on standard STL iterators to walk through a list of objects. The general syntax for using an iterator is:

ContainerType ContainerName;
ITERATE(ContainerType, it, ContainerName) {
    ObjectType ObjectName = *it;
    // ...

Dereferencing the iterator is required, as the iterator behaves like a pointer that traverses consecutive elements of the container. For example, to iterate over the list of descriptors in the Biostruc, we use a container of type CBiostruc::TDescr, and the constant version of the ITERATE macro to ensure that the data is not mutated in the body of the loop. Because the descriptor list contains pointers (CRefs) to objects, we will actually need to dereference twice to get to the objects themselves.

ITERATE(CBiostruc::TDescr, it, descList) {
    const CBiostruc_descr& thisDescr = **it;
    // ...

In traversing the descriptor list in this example, we handled each type of descriptor with an explicit case statement. In fact, however, we really only visit those descriptors whose types have string representations: TName, TPdb_comment, and TOther_comment. The other two descriptor types, THistory and TAttribute, are objects that are “visited” recursively, but the associated visit functions are not actually implemented (see Code Sample 5, traverseBS.hpp).

Code Sample 5. traverseBS.hpp

// File name traverseBS.hpp


#include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbiapp.hpp>

using namespace objects;

// class CTestAsn
class CTestAsn : public CNcbiApplication {
    virtual int Run ();

void Visit(const CBiostruc&);
void Visit(const CBiostruc::TId&);
void Visit(const CBiostruc::TDescr&);
void Visit(const CBiostruc::TChemical_graph&);
void Visit(const CBiostruc::TFeatures&);
void Visit(const CBiostruc::TModel&);
void Visit(const CBiostruc_history&) {
    cout << "visiting history" << endl;

// Not implemented
void Visit(const CBiostruc_descr::TAttribution&) {};
void VisitWithIterator (const CBiostruc::TDescr& descList);


The NCBI C++ Toolkit provides a rich and powerful set of iterators for various application needs. An alternative to using the above switch statement to visit elements of the descriptor list would have been to use an NCBI CStdTypeIterator that only visits strings. For example, we could implement the Visit function on a CBiostruc::TDescr as follows:

void Visit(const CBiostruc::TDescr& descList)
    ITERATE(CBiostruc::TDescr, it1, descList) {
        for (CStdTypeConstIterator<string> it2(ConstBegin(**it1));  it2;  ++it2) {
            cout << *it2 << endl;

In this example, the iterator will skip over all but the string data members.

The CStdTypeIterator is one of several iterators which makes use of an object’s type information to implement the desired functionality. We began this section by positing that the traversal of an object requires an a priori knowledge of that object’s internal structure. This is not strictly true however, if type information for the object is also available. An object’s type information specifies the class layout, inheritance relations, data member names, and various other attributes such as size, which are independent of specific instances. All of the C++ type iterators described in The NCBI C++ Toolkit Iterators section utilize type information, which is the topic of a previous section: Runtime Object Type Information.

SOAP support

The NCBI C++ Toolkit SOAP server and client provide a limited level of support of SOAP 1.1 over HTTP, and use the document binding style with a literal schema definition. Document/literal is the style that most Web services platforms were focusing on when this feature was introduced. DATATOOL application can be used to parse WSDL (Web services description language) specification and create SOAP client.

SOAP message

The core section of the SOAP specification is the messaging framework. The client sends a request and receives a response in the form of a SOAP message. A SOAP message is a one-way transmission between SOAP nodes: from a SOAP sender to a SOAP receiver. The root element of a SOAP message is the Envelope. The Envelope contains an optional Header element followed by a mandatory Body element. The Body element represents the message payload - it is a generic container that can contain any number of elements from any namespace.

In the Toolkit, the CSoapMessage class defines Header and Body containers. Serializable objects (derived from the CSerialObject class) can be added into these containers using AddObject() method. Such a message object can then be sent to a message receiver. The response will also come in the form of an object derived from CSoapMessage. At this time, it is possible to investigate its contents using GetContent() method; or ask directly for an object of a specific type using the SOAP_GetKnownObject() template function.

SOAP client (CSoapHttpClient)

The SOAP client is the initial SOAP sender - a node that originates a SOAP message. Knowing the SOAP receiver’s URL, it sends a SOAP request and receives a response using the Invoke() method.

Internally, data objects in the Toolkit SOAP library are serialized and de-serialized using serializable objects streams. Since each serial data object also provides access to its type information, writing such objects is a straightforward operation. Reading the response is not that transparent. Before actually parsing incoming data, the SOAP processor should decide which object type information to use. Hence, a client application should tell the SOAP processor what types of data objects it might encounter in the incoming data. If the processor recognizes the object’s type, it will parse the incoming data and store it as an instance of the recognized type. Otherwise, the processor will parse the data into an instance of the CAnyContentObject class.

So, a SOAP client must:

  • Define the server’s URL.

  • Register the object types that might be present in the incoming data (using the RegisterObjectType() method).

The CSoapHttpClient class also has methods for getting and setting the server URL and the default namespace.

SOAP server (CSoapServerApplication)

The SOAP server receives SOAP mesages from a client and processes the contents of the SOAP Body and SOAP Header.

The processing of incoming requests is done with the help of “message listeners” - the server methods which analyze requests (in the form of objects derived from CSoapMessage) and create responses. It is possible to have more than one listener for each message. When such a listener returns TRUE, the SOAP server base class object passes the request to the next listener, if it exists, and so on.

The server can return a WSDL specification if the specification file name is passed to the server’s constructor and the file is located with the server.

Generating a SOAP client using DATATOOL

DATATOOL can be used to conveniently create SOAP client source code, for example:

datatool -m soap_server_sample.wsdl -oA -oc sample -oph sample  -opc sample -orq

The following topics in the DATATOOL documentation contain additional details:

Sample SOAP server and client

The Toolkit contains a simple example of SOAP client and server in its src/sample/app/soap folder.

The sample SOAP server supports the following operations:

GetDescription() - server receives an empty object of type Description, and it sends back a single string;

GetVersion() - server receives a string, and it sends back two integer numbers and a string;

DoMath() - server receives a list of Operand objects (two integers and an enumerated value), and it sends back a list of integers

The starting point is the WSDL specification - src\sample\app\soap\server\soap_server_sample.wsdl

Both client and server use data objects whose types are described in the message types section of WSDL specification. So, we extract the XML schema part of the specification into a separate file, and create a static library - soap_dataobj. All code in this library is generated automatically by .

Sample server

Server is a CGI application. In its constructor we define the name of WSDL specification file and the default namespace for the data objects. Since server’s ability to return a WSDL specification upon request from a client is optional, it is possible to give an empty file name here. Once the name is not empty, the WSDL file should be deployed alongside the server.

During initialization server should register incoming object types and message listeners:

// Register incoming object types, so the SOAP message parser can

// recognize these objects in incoming data and parse them correctly.



// Register SOAP message processors.

// It is possible to set more than one listeners for a particular message;

// such listeners will be called in the order of registration.

AddMessageListener((TWebMethod)(&CSampleSoapServerApplication::GetDescription), "Description"); AddMessageListener((TWebMethod)(&CSampleSoapServerApplication::GetDescription2), "Description");

AddMessageListener((TWebMethod)(&CSampleSoapServerApplication::GetVersion), "Version");

AddMessageListener((TWebMethod)(&CSampleSoapServerApplication::DoMath), "Math");

Note that while it is possible to register the Description type, it does not make much sense: the object has no content, so there is no difference whether it will be parsed correctly or not.

Message listeners are user-defined functions that process incoming messages. They analyze the content of SOAP message request and populate the response object.

Sample client

Unlike SOAP server, SOAP client object has nothing to do with CCgiApplication class. It is “just” an object. As such, it can be created and destroyed when appropriate. Sample SOAP client constructor defines the server URL and the default namespace for the data objects. Its constructor is the proper place to register incoming object types:

// Register incoming object types, so the SOAP message parser can

// recognize these objects in incoming data and parse them correctly.




Other methods encapsulate operations supported by the SOAP server, which the client talks to. Common schema is to create two SOAP message object - request and response, populate request object, call Invoke() method of the base class, and extract the meaningful data from the response.

Processing Serial Data

Although this discussion focuses on ASN.1 and XML formatted data, the data structures and tools described here have been designed to (potentially) support any formalized serial data specification. Many of the tools and objects have open-ended abstract or template implementations that can be instantiated differently to fit various specifications.

The following topics are discussed in this section

Accessing the object header files and serialization libraries

Reading and writing serialized data is implemented by an integrated set of streams, filters, and object types. An application that reads encoded data files will require the object header files and libraries which define how these serial streams of data should be loaded into memory. This entails #include statements in your source files, as well as the associated library specifications in your makefiles. The object header and implementation files are located in the include/objects and src/objects subtrees of the C++ tree, respectively. The header and implementation files for serialized streams and type information are in the include/serial and src/serial directories.

If you have checked out the objects directories, but not explicitly run the datatool code generator, then you will find that your include/objects subdirectories are (almost) empty, and the source subdirectories contain only makefiles and ASN.1 specifications. These makefiles and ASN.1 specifications can be used to build your own copies of the objects’ header and implementation files, using make all_r (if you configured using the --with-objects flag), or running datatool explicitly.

However, building your own local copies of these header and implementation files is neither necessary nor recommended, as it is simpler to use the pre-generated header files and prebuilt libraries. The pre-built header and implementation files can be found in $NCBI/c++/include/objects/ and $NCBI/c++/src/objects/, respectively. Assuming your makefile defines an include path to $NCBI/c++/include, selected object header files such as Date.hpp, can be included as:

#include <objects/general/Date.hpp>

This header file (along with its implementations in the accompanying src directory) was generated by datatool using the specifications from src/objects/general/general.asn. In order to use the classes defined in the objects directories, your source code should begin with the statements:

using namespace objects;

All of the objects’ header and implementation files are generated by datatool, as specified in the ASN.1 specification files. The resulting object definitions however, are not in any way dependent on ASN.1 format, as they simply specify the in-memory representation of the defined data types. Accordingly, the objects themselves can be used to read, interpret, and write any type of serialized data. Format specializations on the input stream are implemented via CObjectIStream objects, which extract the required tags and values from the input data according to the format specified. Similarly, Format specializations on an output stream are implemented via CObjectOStream objects.

Reading and writing serial data

Let’s consider a program xml2asn.cpp that translates an XML data file containing an object of type Biostruc, to ASN.1 text and binary formats. In main(), we begin by initializing the diagnostic stream to write errors to a local file called xml2asn.log. (Exception handling, program tracing, and error logging are described in the Diagnostic Streams section).

An instance of the CTestAsn class is then created, and its member function AppMain() is invoked. This function in turn calls CTestAsn::Run(). The first three lines of code there define the XML input and ASN.1 output streams, using unique_ptr, to ensure automatic destruction of these objects.

Each stream is associated with data serialization mechanisms appropriate to the ESerialDataFormat provided to the constructor:

enum ESerialDataFormat {
    eSerial_None      = 0,
    eSerial_AsnText   = 1,   /// ASN.1 text
    eSerial_AsnBinary = 2,   /// ASN.1 binary
    eSerial_Xml       = 3,   /// XML
    eSerial_Json      = 4    /// JSON

CObjectIStream and CObjectOStream are base classes which provide generic interfaces between the specific type information of a serializable object and an I/O stream. The object stream classes that will actually be instantiated by this application, CObjectIStreamXml, CObjectOStreamAsn, and CObjectOStreamAsnBinary, are descendants of these base classes.

Finally, a variable for the object type that will be generated from the input stream (in this case a CBiostruc) is defined, and the CObject[I/O]Stream operators “<<” and “>>” are used to read and write the serialized data to and from the object. (Note that it is not possible to simply “pass the data through”, from the input stream to the output stream, using a construct like: *inObject >> *outObject). The CObject[I/O]Streams know nothing about the structure of the specific object - they have knowledge only of the serialization format (text ASN, binary ASN, XML, etc.). In contrast, the CBiostruc knows nothing about I/O and serialization formats, but it contains explicit type information about itself. Thus, the CObject[I/O]Streams can apply their specialized serialization methods to the data members of CBiostruc using the type information associated with that object’s class.

Determining Which Header Files to Include

As always, we include the corelib header files, ncbistd.hpp and ncbiapp.hpp. In addition, the serial header files that define the generic CObject[IO]Stream objects are included, along with serial.hpp, which defines generalized serialization mechanisms including the insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators. Finally, we need to include the header file for the object type we will be using.

There are two source browsers that can be used to locate the appropriate header file for a particular object type. Object class names in the NCBI C++ Toolkit begin with the letter “C”. Using the class hierarchy browser, we find CBiostruc, derived from CBiostruc_Base, which is in turn derived from CObject. Following the CBiostruc link, we can then use the locate button to move to the LXR source code navigator, and there, find the name of the header file. In this case, we find CBiostruc.hpp is located in include/objects/mmdb1. Alternatively, if we know the name of the C++ class, the source code navigator’s identifier search tool can be used directly. In summary, the following #include statements appear at the top of xml2asn.cpp:

#include <corelib/ncbiapp.hpp>
#include <serial/serial.hpp>
#include <serial/objistr.hpp>
#include <serial/objostr.hpp>
#include <objects/mmdb1/Biostruc.hpp>

Determining which libraries must be linked to requires a bit more work and may involve some trial and error. The list of available libraries currently includes:

access biblio cdd featdef general medlars medline mmdb1 mmdb2 mmdb3 ncbimime objprt proj pub pubmed seq seqalign seqblock seqcode seqfeat seqloc seqres seqset submit xcgi xconnect xfcgi xhtml xncbi xser

It should be clear that we will need to link to the core library, xncbi, as well as to the serial library, xser. In addition, we will need to link to whatever object libraries are entailed by using a CBiostruc object. Minimally, one would expect to link to the mmdb libraries. This in itself is insufficient however, as the CBiostruc class embeds other types of objects, including PubMed citations, features, and sequences, which in turn embed additional objects such as Date. The makefile for xml2asn.cpp, lists the libraries required for linking in the make variable LIB.

APP = xml2asn
OBJ = xml2asn
LIB = mmdb1 mmdb2 mmdb3 seqloc seqfeat pub medline biblio general xser xncbi

See also the example program, asn2asn.cpp which demonstrates more generalized translation of Seq-entry and Bioseq-set (defined in seqset.asn).

Note: Two online tools are available to help determine which libraries to link with. See the FAQ for details.

Speedup reading

Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe. The speed depends on operating system, hardware and data being read.

In many cases, using asynchronous input stream iterators helps. The price of using them is increased memory consumption though. They take advantage of the fact that skipping data is much faster than parsing it. When skipping, reader only finds beginning and end of an object in file and puts the unparsed data into temporary buffer. Then, separate threads parse the data and construct data objects in memory. It works great when objects are not too big and each buffer can hold at least several of them. Otherwise, the buffers overflow and you end up with only one or two parsing threads. That is, reader should be fast enough and buffers should be large enough and computer should have enough CPU cores to keep as many parsers busy as possible. The prize is sweet though. A data file can be read up to 5 times faster.

Another option is to use file mapping when reading. Mapping creates an association of a file’s contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process. The application then “reads from memory” instead of “reading from file”, offloading actual file reading to the OS. CMMapByteSource does the trick. Create reading object stream as follows:

unique_ptr<CObjectIStream> is(CObjectIStream::Create(format, *(new CMMapByteSource(data_file))));

or or define the following environment variable: SERIAL_READ_MMAPBYTESOURCE=1

One should not expect a big gain here, because file reading is already optimized in operating systems, but speedups up to 15% are possible.

Managing ASN.1 Specification Versions

Occasionally it is necessary to change an ASN.1 specification. However, if not designed properly, a new version of an ASN.1 specification can create incompatibilities between old data files and new software or old software and new data.

The cardinal rule for adding new members

The only rule you need to follow to achieve backward compatibility is:

Only add new members to the end of a type, and always make them optional.

Note: In this context, “backward compatibility” means the ability for new readers to read either old or new data.

Background for the rule on adding new members

ASN.1 data writers are generally coded to follow a specific version of the specification, so version-related issues are quite improbable when writing. Data readers are also generally coded according to a given specification version, but the data they read could have been written by any writer version. Thus, problems due to version incompatibilities are most likely to occur when reading.

Text-format ASN.1 data files include member names with the data, so it’s easy for the reader to ensure that the read data matches the specification.

Binary data files do not include member names. Instead, they include integer tags which are assumed to correspond to the ASN.1 specification. Therefore, if a new version of a specification inserts a new member between existing members, the tagging will be incompatible with the old version, and data corruption or a crash will result from attempting to read an old data file with a new reader or vice versa.

For example, suppose a specification is changed a la:

Old Specification New Specification
Date ::= SEQUENCE {
year INTEGER ,
month INTEGER ,
Date ::= SEQUENCE {
year INTEGER ,
epoch VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
month INTEGER ,

The old specification associates tag 2 with month and tag 3 with day; the new specification associates tag 2 with epoch, tag 3 with month, and tag 4 with day. Thus, if an old reader reads a new file it will choke on tag 4 and if a new reader reads an old file it will choke on the absence of tag 4.

However, suppose the specification is changed this way:

Old Specification New Specification
Date ::= SEQUENCE {
year INTEGER ,
month INTEGER ,
Date ::= SEQUENCE {
year INTEGER ,
month INTEGER ,
epoch VisibleString OPTIONAL

Now the new reader can read old data without any trouble. Old readers will not be able to read new data because tag 4 was not part of the specification they were built for so they will crash upon the first instance of epoch data (but they will read all data up to that point just fine).

Because of this, it’s strongly recommended to add new field(s) as early as possible, preferably long before the new field(s) actually start getting written. This will allow a time for the old readers to get upgraded.

Therefore, the only backward-compatible way of adding new sequence members is to add them at the end, and to make them optional.

Self-versioning types

It is conceivable that a “schema version” could be incorporated into a type beginning with the first version of the type. For example:

subsnp ::= SEQUENCE {
    version INTEGER {
        max_version(255) },
    data CHOICE {
        subsnp_v1 SubSNP_v1
        subsnp_v2 SubSNP_v2 }

However, old readers would still not be able to read new data. Using CHOICE could make sense if there is ever a need to change the specification radically, when adding new fields is not enough. Obviously, the transition from one CHOICE variant to another have to be phased in very carefully, allowing significant amount of time for all clients to become aware of the new variant, while still understanding the old one.

What is clear is that this approach could become very cumbersome to maintain if more than a few versions were created.

Skipping unknown data

At some point, an old reader may encounter new data, in which case there will be unknown class members and/or choice variants. By default, this condition will cause an exception, but it is possible to skip unknown data using these functions:

There are two different methods because one is relatively safe and the other is not.

If you call SetSkipUnknownMembers() then unknown members will be essentially ignored and the application can process new data in the same way it would process old data.

If you call SetSkipUnknownVariants() then a lack of coding rigor may cause a problem. Specifically, a choice object won’t be set if new data contains an unknown (and therefore skipped) variant. If your code expects the choice object to be set and doesn’t verify that it is, then it could cause data corruption and/or crashing.

Test Cases [src/serial/test]

Available Serializable Classes (as per NCBI ASN.1 Specifications) [Library xobjects: include | src]

The ASN.1 data objects are automatically built from their corresponding specifications in the NCBI ASN.1 data model, using DATATOOL to generate all of the required source code. This set of serializable classes defines an interface to many important sequence and sequence-aware objects that users may directly employ, or extend with their own code. An Object Manager(see below) coordinates and simplifies the use of these ASN.1-derived objects.

Serializable Classes

A Test Application Using the Serializable ASN.1 Classes

  • asn2asn [src]