
CGI and Fast-CGI


CGI and Fast-CGI [Libraries xcgi and xfcgi: include | src]

These library classes represent an integrated framework with which to write CGI applications and are designed to help retrieve and parse an HTTP request and then to compose and deliver an HTTP response. (See also this additional class reference documentation). xfcgi is a FastCGI version of xcgi.

Hint: Requires the target executable to be linked with a third-party FastCGI library, as in:


Hint: On non-FastCGI capable platforms (or if run as a plain CGI on a FastCGI-capable platform), it works the same as a plain CGI.

CGI Interface

FastCGI CGI Interface

  • Adapter Between C++ and FastCGI Streams fcgibuf[.hpp | .cpp]

  • Fast-CGI Loop Function fcgi_run[.cpp]

  • Plain CGI Stub for the Fast-CGI Loop Function cgi_run[.cpp]

Demo Cases [src/cgi/demo | C++/src/sample/app/cgi/]

Test Cases [src/cgi/test]


Chapter Outline

The following is an outline of the topics presented in this chapter:

Developing CGI applications

CGI Diagnostic Handling

NCBI C++ CGI Classes

An example web-based CGI application

CGI Status Codes

FCGI Redirection and Debugging C++ Toolkit CGI Programs

Multithreaded FastCGI applications

Developing CGI applications

Although CGI programs are generally run as web applications with HTML interfaces, this section of the Programming Manual places emphasis on the CGI side of things, omitting HTML details of the implementation where possible. Similarly, the section on Generating web pages focuses largely on the usage of HTML components independent of CGI details. The two branches of the NCBI C++ Toolkit hierarchy are all but independent of one another - with but one explicit hook between them: the constructors for HTML page components accept a CCgiApplication as an optional argument. This CCgiApplication argument provides the HTML page component with access to all of the CGI objects used in the application.

Further discussion of combining a CGI application with the HTML classes can be found in the section on An example web-based CGI application. The focus in this chapter is on the CGI classes only. For additional information about the CGI classes, the reader is also referred to the discussion of NCBI C++ CGI Classes in the Reference Manual.

The CGI classes

Figure 1 illustrates the layered design of the CGI classes.

Figure 1. Layered design of the CGI classes

Figure 1. Layered design of the CGI classes

This design is best described by starting with a consideration of the capabilities one might need to implement a CGI program, including:

  • A way to retrieve and store the current values of environment variables

  • A means of retrieving and interpreting the client’s query request string

  • Mechanisms to service and respond to the requested query

  • Methods and data structures to obtain, store, modify, and send cookies

  • A way to set/reset the context of the application (for Fast-CGI)

The CCgiContext class unifies these diverse capabilities under one aggregate structure. As their names suggest, the CCgiRequest class receives and parses the request, and the CCgiResponse class outputs the response on an output stream. All incoming CCgiCookies are also parsed and stored by the CCgiRequest object, and the outgoing cookies are sent along with the response by the CCgiResponse object. The request is actually processed by the application’s CNcbiResource. The list of CNcbiCommands stored with that resource object are scanned to find a matching command, which is then executed.

The CCgiContext object, which is a friend to the CCgiApplication class, orchestrates this sequence of events in coordination with the application object. The same application may be run in many different contexts, but the resource and defined set of commands are invariant. What changes with each context is the request and its associated response.

The CCgiApplication class is a specialization of CNcbiApplication. Figure 2 illustrates the adaptation of the Init() and Run() member functions inherited from the CNcbiApplication class to the requirements of CGI programming. Although the application is contained in the context, it is the application which creates and initializes each context in which it participates. The program arguments and environmental variables are passed along to the context, where they will be stored, thus freeing the application to be restarted in a new context, as in Fast-CGI.

Figure 2. Adapting the init() and run() methods inherited from CNcbiApplication

Figure 2. Adapting the init() and run() methods inherited from CNcbiApplication

The application’s ProcessRequest member function is an abstract function that must be implemented for each application project. In most cases, this function will access the query and the environment variables via the CCgiContext, using ctx.GetRequest() and ctx.GetConfig(). The application may then service the request using its resource’s HandleRequest() method. The context’s response object can then be used to send an appropriate response.

These classes are described in more detail below, along with abbreviated synopses of the class definitions. These are included here to provide a conceptual framework and are not intended as reference materials. For example, constructor and destructor declarations that operate on void arguments, and const methods that duplicate non-const declarations are generally not included here. Certain virtual functions and data members that have no meaning outside of a web application are also omitted. For complete definitions, refer to the header files via the source browsers.

The CCgiApplication Class (*)

As mentioned, the CCgiApplication class implements its own version of Init(), where it instantiates a CNcbiResource object using LoadResource(). Run() is no longer a pure virtual function in this subclass, and its implementation now calls CreateContext(), ProcessRequest(), and CCgiContext::GetResponse(). The CCgiApplication class does not have a CCgiContext data member, because the application object can participate in multiple CCgiContexts. Instead, a local variable in each Run() invocation stores a pointer to the context created there. The LoadServerContext() member function is used in Web applications, where it is necessary to store more complex run-time data with the context object. The CCgiServerContext object returned by this function is stored as a data member of a CCgiContext and is application specific.

class CCgiApplication : public CNcbiApplication 
    friend class CCgiContext; 

    void Init(void); 
    void Exit(void); 
    int Run(void); 

    CNcbiResource& GetResource(void); 
    virtual int ProcessRequest(CCgiContext&) = 0; 
    CNcbiResource* LoadResource(void); 
    virtual CCgiServerContext* LoadServerContext(CCgiContext& context); 

    bool IsFastCGI(void) const; 

    CCgiContext* CreateContext(CNcbiArguments*, CNcbiEnvironment*, 
                               CNcbiIstream*, CNcbiOstream*); 

private: unique_ptr<CNcbiResource> m_resource; 

If the program was not linked as a FastCGI application (or the environment does not support FastCGI), then IsFastCGI() will return false. Otherwise, a “FastCGI loop” will be iterated over def_iter times, with the initialization methods and ProcessRequest() function being executed on each iteration. The value returned by IsFastCGI() in this case is true. Run() first calls IsFastCGI(), and if that returns false, the application is run as a plain CGI program.

Please note that for historical reasons by default FastCGI application will exit after processing only 10 requests. This can be changed using either C++ API or configuration file. To explain why: when we added Fast-CGI option to the C++ Toolkit CGI framework there already were hundreds of CGIs developed on the “plain” CGI framework; and, dozens of those CGIs were being converted into Fast-CGIs. But because originally the CGIs were not designed to live after the 1st request was done, so for a while the converted CGIs were plagued with the “after 1st request” side-effects such as not freed memory, not closed file descriptors, and worse. The “iterators” parameter was introduced to allow developers to mitigate these problems without rebuilding (fixing) their Fast-CGI binaries by reducing the number of iterations. The default of 10 iterations was chosen as a reasonable safeguard to limit the damage that the “side-effected” Fast-CGIs could inflict on their host backends.

The CCgiApplication class supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) which is disabled by default. To enable CORS set CORS_Enable variable to true in [CGI] section of the INI file. There are several other values for fine-tuning CORS request processing: CORS_Allow_Origin, CORS_Allow_Headers, CORS_Allow_Methods etc. All CORS related values are described in CGI and FCGI parameters. For more information on CORS see

The CCgiApplication class provides basic protection against Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). The protection uses synchronization token checked by ValidateSynchronizationToken() virtual method. The default implementation checks if the token is present in Ncbi-CSRF-Token HTTP header, which must be set on the client side (e.g. by a javascript). ValidateSynchronizationToken() expects the token to be equal to the current session ID (passed in the HTTP cookies). If the token does not pass validation the CGI returns status “403 Forbidden”. CSRF protection is disabled by default. See CGI and FCGI parameters for the information on enabling it. If token validation is enabled, replies to CORS preflight requests will add Ncbi-CSRF-Token to the list of allowed headers (Access-Control-Allow-Headers). ValidateSynchronizationToken() method can be overriden to provide a different CSRF protection mechanism.

The CNcbiResource (*) and CNcbiCommand (*) Classes

The resource class is at the heart of the application, and it is here that the program’s functionality is defined. The single argument to the resource class’s constructor is a CNcbiRegistry object, which defines data paths, resources, and possibly environmental variables for the application. This information is stored in the resource class’s data member, m_config. The only other data member is a TCmdList (a list of CNcbiCommands) called m_cmd.

class CNcbiResource 

    CNcbiResource(CNcbiRegistry& config); 

    CNcbiRegistry&  GetConfig(void); 
    const TCmdList& GetCmdList(void) const; 
    virtual CNcbiCommand* GetDefaultCommand(void) const = 0; 
    virtual const CNcbiResPresentation* GetPresentation(void) const; 

    void AddCommand(CNcbiCommand* command); 
    virtual void HandleRequest(CCgiContext& ctx);


    CNcbiRegistry& m_config; 
    TCmdList m_cmd; 

The AddCommand() method is used when a resource is being initialized, to add commands to the command list. Given a CCgiRequest object defined in a particular context ctx, HandleRequest(ctx) compares entries in the context’s request to commands in m_cmd. The first command in m_cmd that matches an entry in the request is then executed (see below), and the request is considered “handled”. If desired, a default command can be installed that will execute when no matching command is found. The default command is defined by implementing the pure virtual function GetDefaultCommand(). The CNcbiResPresentation class is an abstract base class, and the member function, GetPresentation(), returns 0. It is provided as a hook for implementing interfaces between information resources (e.g., databases) and CGI applications.

class CNcbiCommand 
    CNcbiCommand(CNcbiResource& resource); 

    virtual CNcbiCommand* Clone(void) const = 0; 
    virtual string GetName() const = 0; 
    virtual void Execute(CCgiContext& ctx) = 0; 
    virtual bool IsRequested(const CCgiContext& ctx) const; 

    virtual string GetEntry() const = 0; 
    CNcbiResource& GetResource() const { return m_resource; } 

    CNcbiResource& m_resource; 

CNcbiCommand is an abstract base class; its only data member is a reference to the resource it belongs to, and most of its methods - with the exception of GetResource() and IsRequested() - are pure virtual functions. IsRequested() examines the key=value entries stored with the context’s request object. When an entry is found where key==GetEntry() and value==GetName(), IsRequested() returns true.

The resource’s HandleRequest() method iterates over its command list, calling CNcbiCommand::IsRequested() until the first match between a command and a request entry is found. When IsRequested() returns true, the command is cloned, and the cloned command is then executed. Both the Execute() and Clone() methods are pure virtual functions that must be implemented by the user.

The CCgiRequest Class (*)

The CCgiRequest class serves as an interface between the user’s query and the CGI program. Arguments to the constructor include a CNcbiArguments object, a CNcbiEnvironment object, and a CNcbiIstream object. The class constructors do little other than invoke CCgiRequest::x_Init(), where the actual initialization takes place.

x_Init() begins by examining the environment argument, and if it is NULL, m_OwnEnv (a unique_ptr) is reset to a dummy environment. Otherwise, m_OwnEnv is reset to the passed environment, making the request object the effective owner of that environment. The environment is then used to cache network information as “gettable” properties. Cached properties include:

  • server properties, such as the server name, gateway interface, and server port

  • client properties (the remote host and remote address)

  • client data properties (content type and content length of the request)

  • request properties, including the request method, query string, and path information

  • authentication information, such as the remote user and remote identity

  • standard HTTP properties (from the HTTP header)

These properties are keyed to an enumeration named ECgiProp and can be retrieved using the request object’s GetProperty() member function. For example, GetProperty(eCgi_HttpCookie) is used to access cookies from the HTTP Header, and GetProperty(eCgi_RequestMethod) is used to determine from where the query string should be read.

NOTE: Setting $QUERY_STRING without also setting $REQUEST_METHOD will result in a failure by x_init() to read the input query. x_init() first looks for the definition of $REQUEST_METHOD, and depending on if it is GET or POST, reads the query from the environment or the input stream, respectively. If the environment does not define $REQUEST_METHOD, then x_Init() will try to read the query string from the command line only.

class CCgiRequest { 
    CCgiRequest(const CNcbiArguments*, const CNcbiEnvironment*, 
        CNcbiIstream*, TFlags); 

    static const string& GetPropertyName(ECgiProp prop); 
    const string& GetProperty(ECgiProp prop) const; 
    size_t GetContentLength(void) const; 
    const CCgiCookies& GetCookies(void) const; 
    const TCgiEntries& GetEntries(void) const; 
    static SIZE_TYPE ParseEntries(const string& str, TCgiEntries& entries); 
    void x_Init(const CNcbiArguments*, const CNcbiEnvironment*, 
        CNcbiIstream*, TFlags); 

    const CNcbiEnvironment* m_Env; 
    unique_ptr<CNcbiEnvironment> m_OwnEnv; 
    TCgiEntries m_Entries; 
    CCgiCookies m_Cookies; 

This abbreviated definition of the CCgiRequest class highlights its primary functions:

To parse and store the <key=value> pairs contained in the query string (stored in m_Entries).

To parse and store the cookies contained in the HTTP header (stored in m_Cookies).

As implied by the “T” prefix, TCgiEntries is a type definition, and defines m_Entries to be an STL multimap of <string,string> pairs. The CCgiCookies class (described below) contains an STL set of CCgiCookie and implements an interface to this set.

The CCgiResponse Class (*)

The CCgiResponse class provides an interface to the program’s output stream (usually cout), which is the sole argument to the constructor for CCgiResponse. The output stream can be accessed by the program using CCgiResponse::GetOutput(), which returns a pointer to the output stream, or, by using CCgiResponse::out(), which returns a reference to that stream.

In addition to implementing controlled access to the output stream, the primary function of the response class is to generate appropriate HTML headers that will precede the rest of the response. For example, a typical sequence in the implementation of a particular command’s execute function might be:

MyCommand::Execute(CCgiContext& ctx) 
    // ... generate the output and store it in MyOutput 

    ctx.GetResponse().out() << MyOutput; 
    ctx.GetResponse.out() << "</body></html>" << endl; 

Any cookies that are to be sent with the response are included in the headers generated by the response object.

Two member functions are provided for outputting HTML headers: WriteHeader() and WriteHeader(CNcbiOstream&). The second of these is for writing to a specified stream other than the default stream stored with the response object. Thus, WriteHeader(out()) is equivalent to WriteHeader().

The WriteHeader() function begins by invoking IsRawCgi() to see whether the application is a non-parsed header program. If so, then the first header put on the output stream is an HTTP status line, taken from the private static data member, sm_HTTPStatusDefault. Next, unless the content type has been set by the user (using SetContentType()), a default content line is written, using sm_ContentTypeDefault. Any cookies stored in m_Cookies are then written, followed by any additional headers stored with the request in m_HeaderValues. Finally, a new line is written to separate the body from the headers.

class CCgiResponse { 
    CCgiResponse(CNcbiOstream* out = 0); 

    void SetRawCgi(bool raw); 
    bool IsRawCgi(void) const; 
    void SetHeaderValue(const string& name, const string& value); 
    void SetHeaderValue(const string& name, const tm& value); 
    void RemoveHeaderValue(const string& name); 
    void SetContentType(const string &type); 
    string GetHeaderValue(const string& name) const; 
    bool HaveHeaderValue(const string& name) const; 
    string GetContentType(void) const; 

    CCgiCookies& Cookies(void);                 // Get cookies set 
    CNcbiOstream* SetOutput(CNcbiOstream* out); // Set default output stream 
    CNcbiOstream* GetOutput(void) const;        // Query output stream 
    CNcbiOstream& out(void) const;              // Conversion to ostream 
                                                // to enable << 

    void Flush() const; 

    CNcbiOstream& WriteHeader(void) const;  // Write HTTP response header 
    CNcbiOstream& WriteHeader(CNcbiOstream& out) const; 
    typedef map<string, string> TMap; 
    static const string sm_ContentTypeName; 
    static const string sm_ContentTypeDefault; 
    static const string sm_HTTPStatusDefault; 
    bool m_RawCgi; 
    CCgiCookies m_Cookies; 
    TMap m_HeaderValues;    // Additional header lines in alphabetical order 
    CNcbiOstream* m_Output; // Default output stream };

The CCgiCookie Class (*)

The traditional means of maintaining state information when servicing a multi-step request has been to include hidden input elements in the query strings passed to subsequent URLs. The newer, preferred method uses HTTP cookies, which provide the server access to client-side state information stored with the client. The cookie is a text string consisting of four key=value pairs:

  • name (required)

  • expires (optional)

  • domain (optional)

  • path (optional)

The CCgiCookie class provides a means of creating, modifying, and sending cookies. The constructor requires at least two arguments, specifying the name and value of the cookie, along with the optional domain and path arguments. Format errors in the arguments to the constructor (see Supplementary Information) will cause the invalid argument to be thrown. The CCgiCookie::Write(CNcbiOstream&) member function creates a Set-Cookie directive using its private data members and places the resulting string on the specified output stream:

m_Value; expires=
m_Expires; path=

As with the constructor, and in compliance with the proposed standard (RFC 6265), only the name and value are mandatory in the directive.

class CCgiCookie {
    CCgiCookie(const string& name, const string& value,
               const string& domain = NcbiEmptyString,
               const string& path   = NcbiEmptyString);
    const string& GetName(void) const;
    CNcbiOstream& Write(CNcbiOstream& os) const;
    void Reset(void);
    void CopyAttributes(const CCgiCookie& cookie);
    void SetValue  (const string& str);
    void SetDomain (const string& str);
    void SetPath   (const string& str);
    void SetExpDate(const tm& exp_date);
    void SetSecure (bool secure);
    const string& GetValue  (void) const;
    const string& GetDomain (void) const;
    const string& GetPath   (void) const;
    string        GetExpDate(void) const;
    bool GetExpDate(tm* exp_date) const;
    bool GetSecure(void)          const;
    bool operator<(const CCgiCookie& cookie) const;
    typedef const CCgiCookie* TCPtr;
    struct PLessCPtr {
        bool operator() (const TCPtr& c1, const TCPtr& c2) const {
            return (*c1 < *c2);
    string m_Name;
    string m_Value;
    string m_Domain;
    string m_Path;
    tm     m_Expires;
    bool   m_Secure;

With the exception of m_Name, all of the cookie’s data members can be reset using the SetXxx(), Reset(), and CopyAttributes() member functions; m_Name is non-mutable. As with the constructor, format errors in the arguments to these functions will cause the invalid argument to be thrown. By default, m_Secure is false. The GetXxx() methods return the stored value for that attribute or, if no value has been set, a reference to NcbiEmptyString. GetExpDate(tm*) returns false if no expiration date was previously set. Otherwise, tm is reset to m_Expire, and true is returned.

The CCgiCookies Class (*)

The CCgiCookies class provides an interface to an STL set of CCgiCookies (m_Cookies). Each cookie in the set is uniquely identified by its name, domain, and path values and is stored in ascending order using the CCgiCookie::PLessCPtr construct. Two constructors are provided, allowing the user to initialize m_Cookies to either an empty set or to a set of N new cookies created from the string “name1=value1; name2=value2; …; nameN=valuenN”. Many of the operations on a CCgiCookies object involve iterating over the set, and the class’s type definitions support these activities by providing built-in iterators and a typedef for the set, TSet.

The Add() methods provide a variety of options for creating and adding new cookies to the set. As with the constructor, a single string of name-value pairs may be used to create and add N cookies to the set at once. Previously created cookies can also be added to the set individually or as sets. Similarly, the Remove() methods allow individual cookies or sets of cookies (in the specified range) to be removed. All of the remove functions destroy the removed cookies when destroy=true. CCgiCookies::Write(CNcbiOstream&) iteratively invokes the CCgiCookie::Write() on each element.

class CCgiCookies {
    typedef set<CCgiCookie*, CCgiCookie::PLessCPtr>  TSet;
    typedef TSet::iterator         TIter;
    typedef TSet::const_iterator   TCIter;
    typedef pair<TIter,  TIter>    TRange;
    typedef pair<TCIter, TCIter>   TCRange;
    CCgiCookies(void);           // create empty set of cookies
    CCgiCookies(const string& str);
    // str = "name1=value1; name2=value2; ..."
    bool Empty(void) const;
    CCgiCookie* Add(const string& name, const string& value,
                    const string& domain = NcbiEmptyString,
                    const string& path   = NcbiEmptyString);
    CCgiCookie* Add(const CCgiCookie& cookie);
    void Add(const CCgiCookies& cookies);
    void Add(const string& str);
    // "name1=value1; name2=value2; ..."
   CCgiCookie* Find(const string& name, const string& domain,
                    const string& path);
    CCgiCookie* Find(const string& name, TRange*  range=0);
    bool Remove(CCgiCookie* cookie, bool destroy=true);
    size_t Remove(TRange& range, bool destroy=true);
    size_t Remove(const string& name, bool destroy=true);
    void Clear(void);
    CNcbiOstream& Write(CNcbiOstream& os) const;
    TSet m_Cookies;

The CCgiContext Class (*)

As depicted in Figure 1, a CCgiContext object contains an application object, a request object, and a response object, corresponding to its data members m_app, m_request, and m_response. Additional data members include a string encoding the URL for the context (m_selfURL), a message buffer (m_lmsg), and a CCgiServerContext. These last three data members are used only in complex Web applications, where it is necessary to store more complex run-time data with the context object. The message buffer is essentially an STL list of string objects the class definition of which (CCtxMsgString) includes a Write() output function. GetServCtx() returns m_srvCtx if it has been defined and, otherwise, calls the application’s CCgiApplication::LoadServerContext() to obtain it.

class CCgiContext
    CCgiContext(CCgiApplication&        app,
                const CNcbiArguments*   args = 0,
                const CNcbiEnvironment* env  = 0,
                CNcbiIstream*           inp  = 0,
                CNcbiOstream*           out  = 0);
    const CCgiApplication& GetApp(void) const;
    CNcbiRegistry&     GetConfig(void);
    CCgiRequest&       GetRequest(void);
    CCgiResponse&      GetResponse(void);
    const string&      GetSelfURL(void) const;
    CNcbiResource&     GetResource(void);
    CCgiServerContext&     GetServCtx(void);
    // output all msgs in m_lmsg to os
    CNcbiOstream& PrintMsg(CNcbiOstream& os);   
    void PutMsg(const string& msg);     // add message to m_lmsg
    void PutMsg(CCtxMsg* msg);          // add message to m_lmsg
    bool EmptyMsg(void);            // true iff m_lmsg is empty
    void ClearMsg(void);            // delete all messages in m_lmsg
    string GetRequestValue(const string& name) const;
    void AddRequestValue(const string& name, const string& value);
    void RemoveRequestValues(const string& name);
    void ReplaceRequestValue(const string& name, const string& value);
    CCgiApplication&      m_app;
    unique_ptr<CCgiRequest> m_request;
    CCgiResponse      m_response;
    mutable string    m_selfURL;
    list<CCtxMsg*>        m_lmsg;        // message buffer
    unique_ptr<CCgiServerContext> m_srvCtx;
    // defined by CCgiApplication::LoadServerContext()
    friend class CCgiApplication;

The CCgiUserAgent class (*)

The CCgiUserAgent class is used to gather information about the client’s user agent - i.e. browser type, browser name, browser version, browser engine type, browser engine version, Mozilla version (if applicable), platform, and robot information. The default constructor looks for the user agent string first in the CCgiApplication context using the eCgi_HttpUserAgent request property, then in the CNcbiApplication instance HTTP_USER_AGENT environment variable, and finally in the operating system HTTP_USER_AGENT environment variable.

class CCgiUserAgent
    CCgiUserAgent(const string& user_agent);

    void Reset(const string& user_agent);

    string           GetUserAgentStr(void) const;
    EBrowser         GetBrowser(void) const;
    const string&    GetBrowserName(void) const;
    EBrowserEngine   GetEngine(void) const;
    EBrowserPlatform GetPlatform(void) const;

    const TUserAgentVersion& GetBrowserVersion(void) const;
    const TUserAgentVersion& GetEngineVersion(void) const;
    const TUserAgentVersion& GetMozillaVersion(void) const;

    typedef unsigned int TBotFlags;
    bool IsBot(TBotFlags flags = fBotAll, const string& patterns = kEmptyStr) const;

    void x_Init(void);
    void x_Parse(const string& user_agent);
    bool x_ParseToken(const string& token, int where);

    string            m_UserAgent;
    EBrowser          m_Browser;
    string            m_BrowserName;
    TUserAgentVersion m_BrowserVersion;
    EBrowserEngine    m_Engine;
    TUserAgentVersion m_EngineVersion;
    TUserAgentVersion m_MozillaVersion;
    EBrowserPlatform  m_Platform;

Example Code Using the CGI Classes

The sample CGI program demonstrates a simple application that combines the NCBI C++ Toolkit’s CGI and HTML classes. justcgi.cpp is an adaptation of that program, stripped of all HTML references and with additional request-processing added (see Box 1 and Box 2).

Box 1

// File name: justcgi.cpp
// Description: Demonstrate the basic CGI classes and functions
#include "justcgi.hpp"
#include <cgi/cgictx.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbireg.hpp>
#include <memory>
// Implement the application's LoadResource() and ProcessRequest() methods
CNcbiResource* CCgiApp::LoadResource(void)
    unique_ptr<CCgiResource> resource(new CCgiResource(GetConfig()));
    resource->AddCommand(new CCgiBasicCommand(*resource));
    resource->AddCommand(new CCgiReplyCommand(*resource));
    return resource.release();
// forward declarations 
void ShowCommands (const TCmdList& cmds, CCgiContext& ctx);
void ShowEntries (const TCgiEntries& entries);
int CCgiApp::ProcessRequest(CCgiContext& ctx)
    ShowCommands (GetResource().GetCmdList(), ctx);
    ShowEntries (const_cast<TCgiEntries&>(ctx.GetRequest().GetEntries()));
    return 0;
// Define the resource's default command if none match query
CNcbiCommand* CCgiResource::GetDefaultCommand(void) const
    cerr << "    executing CCgiResource::GetDefaultCommand()" << endl;
    return new CCgiBasicCommand(const_cast<CCgiResource&>(*this));
// Define the Execute() and Clone() methods for the commands 
void CCgiCommand::Execute(CCgiContext& ctx)
    cerr << "    executing CCgiCommand::Execute " << endl;
    const CNcbiRegistry& reg = ctx.GetConfig();
CNcbiCommand* CCgiBasicCommand::Clone(void) const
    cerr << "    executing CCgiBasicCommand::Clone()" << endl;
    return new CCgiBasicCommand(GetCgiResource());
CNcbiCommand* CCgiReplyCommand::Clone(void) const
    cerr << "    executing CCgiReplyCommand::Clone" << endl;
    return new CCgiReplyCommand(GetCgiResource());
// Show what commands have been installed
void ShowCommands (const TCmdList& cmds, CCgiContext& ctx)
    cerr << "Commands defined for this application are: \n";
    ITERATE(TCmdList, it, cmds) {
         cerr << (*it)->GetName();
         if ((*it)->IsRequested(ctx)) {
            cerr << " (requested)" << endl;
         } else {
            cerr << " (not requested)" << endl;
// Show the <key=value> pairs in the request string 
void ShowEntries (const TCgiEntries& entries)
    cerr << "The entries in the request string were: \n";
    ITERATE(TCgiEntries, it, entries) {
         if (! (it->first.empty() && it->second.empty()))
            cerr << it->first << "=" << it->second << endl;
static CCgiApp theCgiApp;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    return theCgiApp.AppMain(argc, argv);

Box 2

// File name: justcgi.hpp
// Description: Demonstrate the basic CGI classes and functions
#ifndef CGI_HPP
#define CGI_HPP
#include <cgi/cgiapp.hpp>
#include <cgi/ncbires.hpp>
class CCgiApp : public CCgiApplication
    virtual CNcbiResource* LoadResource(void);
    virtual int ProcessRequest(CCgiContext& context);
class CCgiResource : public CNcbiResource
    CCgiResource(CNcbiRegistry& config)
      : CNcbiResource(config) {}
    virtual ~CCgiResource() {};
    // defines the command to be executed when no other command matches
    virtual CNcbiCommand* GetDefaultCommand( void ) const;
class CCgiCommand : public CNcbiCommand
    CCgiCommand( CNcbiResource& resource ) : CNcbiCommand(resource) {};
    virtual ~CCgiCommand( void ) {};
    virtual void Execute( CCgiContext& ctx );
    virtual string GetLink(CCgiContext&) const { return NcbiEmptyString; }
    CCgiResource& GetCgiResource() const
  return dynamic_cast<CCgiResource&>( GetResource() );
    virtual string GetEntry() const { return string("cmd"); }
class CCgiBasicCommand : public CCgiCommand
    CCgiBasicCommand(CNcbiResource& resource) : CCgiCommand(resource) {};
    virtual ~CCgiBasicCommand(void) {};
    virtual CNcbiCommand* Clone( void ) const;
    virtual string GetName( void ) const { return string("init"); };
    virtual string GetEntry() const { return string("cmd1"); }
class CCgiReplyCommand : public CCgiBasicCommand
    CCgiReplyCommand( CNcbiResource& resource) : CCgiBasicCommand(resource) {};
    virtual ~CCgiReplyCommand(void) {};
    virtual CNcbiCommand* Clone( void ) const;
    virtual string GetName( void ) const { return string("reply"); };
    virtual string GetEntry() const { return string("cmd2"); }
#endif /* CGI_HPP */


./cgi 'cmd1=init&cmd2=reply'

results in execution of only cmd1, as does executing

./cgi 'cmd2=reply&cmd1=init'

The commands are matched in the order that they are registered with the resource, not according to the order in which they occur in the request. The assumption is that only the first entry (if any) in the query actually specifies a command, and that the remaining entries provide optional arguments to that command. The Makefile (see Box 3) for this example links to both the xncbi and xcgi libraries. Additional examples using the CGI classes can be found in src/cgi/test. (For, see Box 4.)

Box 3

# Author: Diane Zimmerman 
# Build CGI application "CGI" 
# NOTE: see  to build Fast-CGI 
APP = cgi 
OBJ = cgiapp 
LIB = xcgi xncbi

Box 4

# Author: Diane Zimmerman 
# Build test Fast-CGI application "FASTCGI" 
# NOTES:  - it will be automagically built as a plain CGI application if 
#           Fast-CGI libraries are missing on your machine. 
#         - also, it auto-detects if it is run as a FastCGI or a plain 
#           CGI, and behave appropriately. 
APP = fastcgi 
OBJ = cgiapp 
LIB = xfcgi xncbi 

CGI Registry Configuration

The application registry defines CGI-related configuration settings in the [CGI] section (see this table).

FastCGI settings. [FastCGI] section (see this table).

CGI load balancing settings. [CGI-LB] section (see this table).

Supplementary Information

Restrictions on arguments to the CCgiCookie constructor.

See Table 1.

Table 1. Restrictions on arguments to the CCgiCookie constructor

Field Restrictions
name (required) No spaces; must be printable ASCII; cannot contain = , or ;
value (required) No spaces; must be printable ASCII; cannot contain , or ;
domain (optional) No spaces; must be printable ASCII; cannot contain , or ;
path (optional) Case sensitive

CGI Diagnostic Handling

By default, CGI applications support three query parameters affecting diagnostic output: diag-destination, diag-threshold, and diag-format. It is possible to modify this behavior by overriding the virtual function CCgiApplication::ConfigureDiagnostics. (In particular, production applications may wish to disable these parameters by defining ConfigureDiagnostics to be a no-op.)


The parameter diag-destination controls where diagnostics appear. By default, there are two possible values (see Table 2).

Table 2. Effect of setting the diag-destination parameter

value effects
stderr Send diagnostics to the standard error stream (default behavior)
asbody Send diagnostics to the client in place of normal output

However, an application can make other options available by calling RegisterDiagFactory from its Init routine. In particular, calling

#include <connect/email_diag_handler.hpp> 
RegisterDiagFactory("email", new CEmailDiagFactory);

and linking against xconnect and connect enables destinations of the form email:user@host, which will cause the application to e-mail diagnostics to the specified address when done.

Similarly, calling

#include <html/commentdiag.hpp> 
RegisterDiagFactory("comments", new CCommentDiagFactory);

and linking against xhtml will enable the destination comments. With this destination, diagnostics will take the form of comments in the generated HTML, provided that the application has also used SetDiagNode to indicate where they should go. (Applications may call that function repeatedly; each invocation will affect all diagnostics until the next invocation. Also, SetDiagNode is effectively a no-op for destinations other than comments, so applications may call it unconditionally.)

Those destinations are not available by default because they introduce additional dependencies; however, either may become a standard possibility in future versions of the toolkit.


The parameter diag-threshold sets the minimum severity level of displayed diagnostics; its value can be either fatal, critical, error, warning, info, or trace. For the most part, setting this parameter is simply akin to calling SetDiagPostLevel. However, setting diag-threshold to trace is not equivalent to calling SetDiagPostLevel(eDiag_Trace); the former reports all diagnostics, whereas the latter reports only traces.


Finally, the parameter diag-format controls diagnostics’ default appearance; setting it is akin to calling {Set,Unset}DiagPostFlag. Its value is a list of flags, delimited by spaces (which appear as “+” signs in URLs); possible flags are file, path, line, prefix, severity, code, subcode, time, omitinfosev, all, trace, log, and default. Every flag but default corresponds to a value in EDiagPostFlag, and can be turned off by preceding its name with an exclamation point (“!”). default corresponds to the four flags which are on by default: line, prefix, code, and subcode, and may not be subtracted.

NCBI C++ CGI Classes

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a method used by web servers to pass information from forms displayed in a web browser to a program running on the server and then allow the program to pass a web page back. The NCBI C++ CGI Classes are used by the program running on the server to decode the CGI input from the server and to send a response. The library also supports cookies, which is a method for storing information on the user’s machine. The library supports the http methods GET and POST via application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and supports the POST via multipart/form-data (often used for file upload). In the POST via multipart/form-data, the data gets read into a TCgiEntries; you also can get the filename out of it (the name of the entry is as specified by “name=” of the data-part header).

There are 5 main classes:

CCgiRequest–what the CGI program is getting from the client.

CCgiResponse–what the CGI program is sending to the client.

CCgiEntry–a single field value, optionally accompanied by a filename.

CCookie–a single cookie

CCookies–a cookie container

Note: In the following libraries you will see references to the following typedefs: CNcbiOstream and CNcbiIstream. On Solaris and NT, these are identical to the standard library output stream (ostream) and input stream (istream) classes. These typedefs are used on older computers to switch between the old stream library and the new standard library stream classes. Further details can be found in an accompanying document (to be written).

A demo program, cgidemo.cpp, can be found in internal/c++/src/corelib/demo.


CCgiRequest is the class that reads in the input from the web server and makes it accessible to the CGI program.

CCgiRequest uses the following typedefs to simplify the code:

typedef map<string, string>         TCgiProperties
typedef multimap<string, CCgiEntry> TCgiEntries
typedef TCgiEntries::iterator       TCgiEntriesI
typedef list<string>                TCgiIndexes

All of the basic types come from the C++ Standard library (

CCgiRequest(int argc, char* argv[], CNcbiIstream* istr=0, bool indexes_as_entries=true)

A CGI program can receive its input from three sources: the command line, environment variables, and an input stream. Some of this input is given to the CCgiRequest class by the following arguments to the constructor:

int argc, char* argv[] : standard command line arguments.

CNcbiIstream* istr=0 : the input stream to read from. If 0, reads from stdin, which is what most web servers use.

bool indexes_as_entries=true : if query has any ISINDEX like terms (i.e. no “=” sign), treat it as a form query (i.e. as if it had an “=” sign).


CCgiRequest * MyRequest = new CCgiRequest(argc, argv);

const TCgiEntries& GetEntries(void) const

Get a set of decoded form entries received from the web browser. So if you sent a cgi query of the form ?name=value, the multimap referenced by TCgiEntries& includes “name” as a .first member and <“value”, “”> as a .second member.

TCgiEntries& also includes “indexes” if “indexes_as_entries” in the constructor was “true”.

const TCgiIndexes& GetIndexes(void) const

This performs a similar task as GetEntries(), but gets a set of decoded entries received from the web browser that are ISINDEX like terms (i.e. no “=” sign),. It will always be empty if “indexes_as_entries” in the constructor was “true”(default).

const string& GetProperty(ECgiProp prop) const

Get the value of a standard property (empty string if not specified). See the “Standard properties” list below.

static const string& GetPropertyName(ECgiProp prop)

The web server sends the CGI program properties of the web server and the http headers received from the web browser (headers are simply additional lines of information sent in a http request and response). This API gets the name(not value!) of standard properties. See the “Standard properties” list below.

Standard properties:

eCgi_ServerSoftware ,
eCgi_ServerPort,        // see also "GetServerPort()"
// client properties
eCgi_RemoteAddr,        // see also "GetRemoteAddr()"
// client data properties
eCgi_ContentLength,     // see also "GetContentLength()"
// request properties
// authentication info
// semi-standard properties(from HTTP header)

const string& GetRandomProperty(const string& key) const

Gets value of any http header that is passed to the CGI program using environment variables of the form "$HTTP_<key>". In general, these are special purpose http headers not included in the list above.

Uint2 GetServerPort(void) const

Gets the server port used by web browser to access the server.

size_t GetContentLength(void) const

Returns the length of the http request.

const CCgiCookies& GetCookies(void) const

Retrieve the cookies that were sent with the request. Cookies are text buffers that are stored in the user’s web browsers and can be set and read via http headers. See the CCookie and CCookies classes defined below.

static SIZE_TYPE ParseEntries(const string& str, TCgiEntries& entries)

This is a helper function that isn’t normally used by CGI programs. It allows you to decode the URL-encoded string “str” into a set of entries <“name”, “value”> and add them to the “entries” multimap. The new entries are added without overriding the original ones, even if they have the same names. If the “str” is in ISINDEX format then the entry “value” will be empty. On success, return zero; otherwise return location(1-base) of error.

static SIZE_TYPE ParseIndexes(const string& str, TCgiIndexes& indexes)

This is also a helper function not usually used by CGI programs. This function decodes the URL-encoded string “str” into a set of ISINDEX-like entries (i.e. no “=” signs in the query) and adds them to the “indexes” set. On success, return zero, otherwise return location(1-base) of error.


CCgiResponse is the object that takes output from the CGI program and sends it to the web browser via the web server.

CNcbiOstream& WriteHeader() const

CNcbiOstream& WriteHeader(CNcbiOstream& out) const

This writes the MIME header necessary for all documents sent back to the web browser. By default, this function assumes that the “Content-type” is “text/html”. Use the second form of the function if you want to use a stream other that the default.

void SetContentType(const string &type)

Sets the content type. By default this is “text/html”. For example, if you were to send plaintext back to the client, you would set type to “text/plain”.

string GetContentType(void) const

Retrieves the content type.

CNcbiOstream& out(void) const

This returns a reference to the output stream being used by the CCgiResponse object. Example:

CCgiResponse Response; 
Response.out() << "hello, world" << flush;

CNcbiOstream* SetOutput(CNcbiOstream* out)

Sets the default output stream. By default this is stdout, which is what most web servers use.

CNcbiOstream* GetOutput(void) const

Get the default output stream.

void Flush() const

Flushes the output stream.

void SetRawCgi(bool raw)

Turns on non-parsed cgi mode. When this is turned on AND the name of the cgi program begins with “nph-“, then the web server does no processing of the data sent back to the client. In this situation, the client must provide all appropriate http headers. This boolean switch causes some of these headers to be sent.

bool IsRawCgi(void) const

Check to see if non-parsed cgi mode is on.

void SetHeaderValue(const string& name, const string& value)

Sets an http header with given name and value. For example, SetHeaderValue(“Mime-Version”, “1.0”); will create the header “Mime-Version: 1.0”.

void SetHeaderValue(const string& name, const tm& value)

Similar to the above, but sets a header value using a date. See time.h for the definition of tm.

void RemoveHeaderValue(const string& name)

Remove the header with name name.

string GetHeaderValue(const string& name) const

Get the value of the header with name name.

bool HaveHeaderValue(const string& name) const

Check to see if the header with name name exists.

void AddCookie(const string& name, const string& value) void AddCookie(const CCgiCookie& cookie)

Add a cookie to the response. This can either be a name, value pair or use the CCookie class described below.

void AddCookies(const CCgiCookies& cookies)

Add a set of cookies to the response. See the CCookies class described below.

const CCgiCookies& Cookies(void) const CCgiCookies& Cookies(void)

Return the set of cookies to be sent in the response.

void RemoveCookie(const string& name)

Remove the cookie with the name name.

void RemoveAllCookies(void)

Remove all cookies.

bool HaveCookies(void) const

Are there cookies?

bool HaveCookie(const string& name) const

Is there a cookie with the given name?

CCgiCookie* FindCookie(const string& name) const

Return a cookie with the given name.


A cookie is a name, value string pair that can be stored on the user’s web browser. Cookies are allocated per site and have restrictions on size and number. Cookies have attributes, such as the domain they originated from. CCgiCookie is used by the CCgiRequest and CCgiResponse classes.

CCgiCookie(const string& name, const string& value)

Creates a cookie with the given name and value. Throw the “invalid_argument” if “name” or “value” have invalid format:

  • the “name” must not be empty; it must not contain ‘=’

  • both “name” and “value” must not contain: “;, “

const string& GetName (void) const

Get the cookie name. The cookie name cannot be changed.

CNcbiOstream& Write(CNcbiOstream& os) const

Write the cookie out to ostream os. Normally this is handled by CCgiResponse.

void Reset(void)

Reset everything but the name to the default state

void CopyAttributes(const CCgiCookie& cookie)

Set all attribute values(but name!) to those from “cookie”

void SetValue (const string& str) void SetDomain (const string& str) void SetValidPath (const string& str) void SetExpDate (const tm& exp_date) void SetSecure (bool secure) // “false” by default

These function set the various properties of a cookie. These functions will throw “invalid_argument” if “str” has invalid format. For the definition of tm, see time.h.

bool GetValue (string* str) const bool GetDomain (string* str) const bool GetValidPath (string* str) const bool GetExpDate (string* str) const bool GetExpDate (tm* exp_date) const bool GetSecure (void) const

These functions return true if the property is set. They also return value of the property in the argument. If the property is not set, str is emptied. These functions throw the “invalid_argument” exception if the argument is a zero pointer.

The string version of GetExpDate will return a string of the form “Wed Aug 9 07:49:37 1994”


CCgiCookies aggregates a collection of CCgiCookie

CCgiCookies(void) CCgiCookies(const string& str)

Creates a CCgiCookies container. To initialize it with a cookie string, use the format: “name1=value1; name2=value2; …”

CCgiCookie* Add(const string& name, const string& value)

Add a cookie with the given name, value pair. Note the above requirements on the string format. Overrides any previous cookie with same name.

CCgiCookie* Add(const CCgiCookie& cookie)

Add a CCgiCookie.

void Add(const CCgiCookies& cookies)

Adds a CCgiCookie of cookies.

void Add(const string& str)

Adds cookies using a string of the format “name1=value1; name2=value2; …” Overrides any previous cookies with same names.

CCgiCookie* Find(const string& name) const

Looks for a cookie with the given name. Returns zero not found.

bool Empty(void) const

“true” if contains no cookies.

bool Remove(const string& name)

Find and remove a cookie with the given name. Returns “false” if one is not found.

void Clear(void)

Remove all stored cookies

CNcbiOstream& Write(CNcbiOstream& os) const

Prints all cookies into the stream “os” (see also **CCgiCookie::Write()). Normally this is handled by CCgiResponse.

An example web-based CGI application


The previous two chapters described the NCBI C++ Toolkit’s CGI and HTML classes, with an emphasis on their independence from one another. In practice however, a real application must employ both types of objects, with a good deal of inter-dependency.

As described in the description of the CGI classes, the CNcbiResource class can be used to implement an application whose functionality varies with the query string. Specifically, the resource class contains a list of CNcbiCommand objects, each of which has a defined GetName() and GetEntry()method. The only command selected for execution on a given query is the one whose GetName() and GetEntry() values match the leading key=value pair in the query string.

The CHelloResource class has different commands which will be executed depending on whether the query string invoked an init or a reply command. For many applications however, this selection mechanism adds unnecessary complexity to the interface, as the application always performs the same function, albeit on different input. In these cases, there is no need to use a CNcbiResource object, or CNcbiCommand objects, as the necessary functionality can be encoded directly in the application’s ProcessRequest() method. The example program described in this section uses this simpler approach.

Program description

The car.cgi program presents an HTML form for ordering a custom color car with selected features. The form includes a group of checkboxes (listing individual features) and a set of radio buttons listing possible colors. Initially, no features are selected, and the default color is black. Following the form, a summary stating the currently selected features and color, along with a price quote, is displayed. When the submit button is clicked, the form generates a new query string (which includes the selected features and color), and the program is restarted.

The program uses a CHTMLPage object with a template file (car.html) to create the display. The template file contains three <@tag@> locations, which the program uses to map CNCBINodes to the page, using the AddTagMap() method. Here is an outline of the execution sequence:

Create an instance of class CCar named car.

Load car with the color and features specified in the query string.

Create a CHTMLPage named page.

Generate a CHTML_form object using the features and color currently selected for car, and map that HTML form to the <@FORM@> tag in page.

Generate the summary statement and save it in a CHTMLText node mapped to the <@SUMMARY@> tag.

Generate a price quote and save it in a CHTMLText node mapped to the <@PRICE@> tag.

Output page and exit.

The CCar created in step 1 initially has the default color (black) and no features. Any features or colors specified in the query string with which the program was invoked are added to car in step 2, prior to generating the HTML display elements. In step 4, the form element is created using the set of possible features and the set of possible colors. These sets of attributes are stored as static data members in an external utility class, CCarAttr. Each feature corresponds to a CHTML_checkbox element in the form, and each color corresponds to a CHTML_radio button. The selected color, along with all currently selected features, will be displayed as selected in the form.

The summary statement uses a CHTML_ol list element to itemize the selected features in car. The price is calculated as CCar::m_BasePrice plus an additional $1000 per feature. The submit button generates a fresh page with the new query string, as the action attribute of the form is the URL of car.cgi.

Program design: Distributing the work

The program uses three classes: CCar, CCarAttr, and CCarCgi. The CCar class knows nothing about HTML nodes or CGI objects - its only functions are to store the currently selected color and features, and compute the resulting price:

class CCar
    CCar(unsigned base_price = 12000) { m_BasePrice = base_price; }
    // Mutating member functions
    void AddFeature(const string& feature_name);
    void SetColor(const string& color_name);
    // Access member functions
    bool HasFeature(const string& feature_name) const;
    string GetColor(void) const;
    string GetPrice(void) const;
    const set<string>& GetFeatures() const;
    set<string> m_Features;
    string      m_Color;
    unsigned    m_BasePrice;

Instead, the CCar class provides an interface to all of its data members, thus allowing the application to get/set features of the car as needed. The static utility class, CCarAttr, simply provides the sets of possible features and colors, which will be used by the application in generating the HTML form for submission:

class CCarAttr {
    static const set<string>& GetFeatures(void) { return sm_Features; }
    static const set<string>& GetColors  (void) { return sm_Colors; }
    static set<string> sm_Features;
    static set<string> sm_Colors;

Both of these classes are defined in a header file which is #include‘d in the *.cpp files. Finally, the application class does most of the actual work, and this class must know about CCar, CCarAttr, HTML, and CGI objects. The CCarCgi class has the following interface:

class CCarCgi : public CCgiApplication
    virtual int ProcessRequest(CCgiContext& ctx);
    CCar* CreateCarByRequest(const CCgiContext& ctx);
    void PopulatePage(CHTMLPage& page, const CCar& car);
    static CNCBINode* ComposeSummary(const CCar& car);
    static CNCBINode* ComposeForm   (const CCar& car);
    static CNCBINode* ComposePrice  (const CCar& car);
    static const char sm_ColorTag[];
    static const char sm_FeatureTag[];

The source code is distributed over three files:




The CCar and CCarAttr classes are defined in car.hpp, and implemented in car.cpp. Both the class definition and implementation for the CGI application class are in car_cgi.cpp. With this design, only the application class will be affected by changes made to either the HTML or CGI class objects. The additional files needed to compile and run the program are:



CGI Status Codes

For compliance with the HTTP standard (RFC7321), CGI applications must issue an HTTP header line indicating the response status, for example:

Status: 200 OK

By default, the CCgiApplication framework will issue a status line with an appropriate status code (e.g. 200 for success; 400 for a malformed HTTP request, etc.). To set a non-default status code use CCgiResponse::SetStatus() or CCgiApplication::SetHTTPStatus(). You can also override CCgiApplication::OnException() for custom handling of exceptions.

The official list of HTTP status codes along with hyperlinks to their definitive meanings can be found at: However, status codes issued by NCBI CGI applications should be selected from Table 7, which is a subset of the official list plus two special non-standard additions (299 and 499). There is also a class, CRequestStatus, that holds an enumeration of the valid NCBI C++ Toolkit status codes. (Although the class is named CRequestStatus, it relates to HTTP response status codes.)

Table 7. HTTP Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
299 Partial Content Broken Connection (non-standard - C++ Toolkit only)
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Payload Too Large
414 URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
417 Expectation Failed
499 Broken Connection (non-standard - C++ Toolkit only)
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported

Note: Status code 404 should be reserved for situations when the requested resource does not exist. It should not be used as a “catch-all” such as when the client simply uses invalid parameters.

FCGI Redirection and Debugging C++ Toolkit CGI Programs

Development, testing, and debugging of CGI applications can be greatly facilitated by making them FastCGI-capable and using a simple proxy script. The basic idea is that FastCGI-enabled applications can be started once and process many requests without exiting, thereby improving performance.

Applications that were written to use the C++ Toolkit CGI framework (see example above) can easily be made to run under your account, on your development machine, and in a number of ways (e.g. standalone, with special configuration, under a debugger, using a memory checker, using strace, etc.). This is accomplished by “tunneling” or “redirecting” through a simple FCGI proxy script that forwards HTTP requests to your application and returns the HTTP responses.

The process is described in the following sections:

Platform specifics

The subsequent sections are based on a Linux platform. If you are using Windows, be aware of the following differences:

  • Running new_project myapp app/cgi creates file names with “cgi_sample” in them rather than “myapp”.

  • The proxy script, fcgi_sample.cgi, is a Bourne shell script and therefore won’t run on Windows. Please copy it to a Linux web server.

Creating a FastCGI-enabled application from scratch

If you are starting from scratch, use the new_project script to create an application that is FastCGI-enabled:

new_project myapp app/cgi
rm -rf lib              # not needed
cd myapp
rm -rf cgires           # not needed
rm *cgi_session_sample* # not needed
vim Makefile.[io]*      # remove cgi_session_sample and SUB_PROJ

This results in the following files:

File Purpose
fmyapp.cgi This is the proxy script - it’s a regular CGI that the client will call via HTTP. It is the only file that needs to reside on the web server.
fmyapp.ini This is the INI file for the FCGI application, not for the proxy (the proxy does not use an INI file).
myapp.cpp This is the sample application source code and should be adapted or replaced by your application.
myapp.html This is an HTML template that goes with the sample code - it can be deleted or adapted to your application.

Building creates both a FastCGI-enabled application and a regular CGI application:

File Purpose
fmyapp.fcgi This is the FastCGI version of your application (hence the .fcgi extension).
myapp.cgi This is the regular CGI version of your application.

Connecting the FCGI proxy to the FCGI application

The round-trip sequence of events for a FastCGI request/response is:

  1. The FCGI application is started (independent of any requests).

  2. An HTTP request is sent to the URL for the proxy script.

  3. The web server invokes the proxy script using the regular CGI protocol (STDIN and environment variables).

  4. The proxy script forwards the request to your FCGI application through a socket.

  5. The FCGI application processes the request and sends the response and exit status back to the proxy script via the socket.

  6. The proxy sends the response back to the web server via the CGI protocol (STDOUT and exit status).

  7. The web server sends the response and status code to the client via HTTP.

Image ch_cgi_fcgi_events.png

Note: The primary purpose of the FastCGI protocol is to eliminate repeated long application startup times (and possibly shutdown times). This means that, unlike normal CGI applications, FCGI applications will not be started by the web server - they’re expected to be already running and listening for a socket connection request from the proxy script. Thus, the proxy script will just attempt to connect to an already running FCGI application via the configured socket. If you send a request to the proxy without having first started your FCGI application, the request will appear to hang until it times out or until the FCGI application is started.

To connect the proxy script to the FCGI application, first find a port that’s available on the machine that will run the application. For example, to find out if port 5000 is available for listening:

myhost$  netstat -l --numeric-ports | grep 5000
tcp        0      0 *:5000                      *:*                         LISTEN

If the port is available there won’t be any output; if it’s in use by another process the output will be similar to the above.

Next, edit the proxy script (on the web server) and set the -connect option using the host that will be running the FCGI application, and the port from the previous step:

# fmyapp.cgi
/netopt/ncbi_tools64/fcgi-current/bin/cgi-fcgi -bind -connect myhost:5000

Then, edit the INI file for the FCGI application and set the listening port using the StandaloneServer entry (be sure to prepend a colon to the port):

# fmyapp.ini
StandaloneServer = :5000
Iterations = 10

The Iterations entry specifies the number of requests that the FCGI application will process before exiting. You could set this to 1 for single-shot testing, but it’s better to use a higher number to simulate typical FastCGI operation.

Debugging an existing CGI or FCGI application

To debug a “plain” CGI, first create a FastCGI-capable version of it, then debug that. To create a FastCGI-capable version of a “plain” CGI:

  1. Change the makefile to build fmyapp.fcgi instead of myapp.cgi and to link with xfcgi.lib instead of xcgi.lib. Note: the application must use the C++ Toolkit’s CGI framework (as in the above example).

  2. Rebuild.

  3. Install the proxy script on the web server in place of, or in addition to, the existing CGI.

  4. Configure the connection between the proxy and the application.

To debug a FastCGI-capable application:

  1. If desired, move the application to a development host for more flexibility in debugging:

    • Copy the FCGI application and the files it uses (e.g. fmyapp.fcgi, fmyapp.ini, and myapp.html) to the desired host.

    • Configure the connection between the proxy and the application.

  2. Start fmyapp.fcgi under the debugger (or a memory checker or other tool), set a breakpoint on ProcessRequest(), and issue a “run” command. The program will remain in the running state while listening for a request from the proxy script.

  3. From your web browser (or using GET/POST command-line utilities), submit a web request to the proxy, fmyapp.cgi. The request will be tunneled to fmyapp.fcgi and the debugger will stop at the breakpoint.

  4. Debug the processing of the request.

  5. Issue another “run” command to the debugger to complete processing of the current request, send the response back to the proxy, and begin waiting for the next request (or exit if the configured number of iterations has been reached).

Multithreaded FastCGI applications

The FastCGI-MT library allows to create FastCGIs which can process multiple requests at the same time in different threads. Using threads does not allow to store any request related data at application level. Multithreaded FastCGIs use CCgiRequestProcessor as a base class for processing requests and storing per-request data. To simplify transition from plain CGI to FastCGI-MT the class mimics most methods of CCgiApplication, so that only minimal changes are required to convert an application.

Here is the process of converting an existing CGI/FCGI to a FastCGI-MT.

  1. Add a new class (e.g. CMyRequestProcessor) derived from CCgiRequestProcessor.

  2. Change base class of the application from CCgiApplication to CFastCgiApplicationMT.

  3. Override CCgiApplication’s CreateRequestProcessor() method to return CMyRequestProcessor.

  4. Move all request related members and methods from application class to CMyRequestProcessor.

  5. If the application uses classes like CNcbiResource and CNcbiCommand, they should be carefully reviewed and made MT safe since one instance of CNcbiResource is shared by all request processing threads.

  6. Update the application’s makefile:

    • Add xfcgi_mt to the list of libraries (LIB).
    • Add $(FASTCGIPP_LIBS) to the list of third-party libraries (LIBS).

An example of converting a plain CGI to a FastCGI-MT can be found in src/sample/app/cgi/: compare fcgi_mt_sample and cgi_sample projects.

After making the above changes switching temporarily between plain CGI and FastCGI-MT (e.g. for testing and debugging) is as simple as changing the application’s base class from CFastCgiApplicationMT to CCgiApplication and back.